I don't know how they got this info, but...


Feb 26, 2002
South Florida
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O festival ProgPower USA ocorrido nos dias 17 e 18 setembro foi registrado para ser lançado em DVD, trazendo bandas como INTO ETERNITY, DREAMSCAPE, TAD MOROSE, KAMELOT, WUTHERING HEIGHTS, BRAINSTORM, EDGUY, PAIN OF SALVATION e ADAGIO, ressaltando que este último conta com o brasileiro Gustavo Monsanto no vocal.

taken from the Brazilian webzine www.whiplash.net


The festival ProgPower USA ,that took place in Atlanta on the 17 and 18 of September, was recorded for a DVD including the bands INTO ETERNITY, DREAMSCAPE, TAD MOROSE, KAMELOT, WUTHERING HEIGHTS, BRAINSTORM, EDGUY, PAIN OF SALVATION and ADAGIO, the later being now fronted by the brazilian singer Gustavo Monsanato... .
As the sponsor for Tad Morose and someone who was backstage all the time I will tell you that there was no filming of a DVD of any kind. Glenn films every year for his own use as he has stated in years prior. Trust me if I there had been a DVD in the works, it would have been impossible for me not to know about it walking back there all the time.
Aside from the two 'wandering video guys" on the stage, there were also two (I think) fixed-mount video units out in the seats, so I can certainly understand if someone who was there thought "Cool, they're recording for a DVD." It did look that way.

There was some backstage footage being filmed also, but I'm told that -- at most -- it would be for a "behind-the-scenes" DVD, and not a formal performance DVD.
The performance of each band was indeed shot for a DVD...However, each band has the option of purchasing the DVD and the exclusive rights to that DVD for a fee$. Glenn and the video production company offer different packages and levels of quality to each band. The bands are then able to do what they want with the performance they now have captured on DVD...

The bands are allowed to purchase their performance only!....

I would bet that Glenn gets a copy of each bands performance, as he should!

You gotta love the perks when you are the promoter!

The bands get their video no matter what, not for purchase its part of their dealio from what I have read over the years from Glenn. As for a DVD Glenn has stated many times the hassle about going through the process in securing authorization from Labels and whatnot and the price of manufacturing and distro that it would have to be either contributed by someone with the duckets or a presale thing, if I am not mistake that was the jist of it. So there is no DVD as of yet, now I am sure Glenn can change his mind at anytime but I have yet to read anything to the contrary.Not sure where you get your info Kong but I have to respectfully disagree with you.

Greetings All!

No, there are no plans for a ProgPower DVD. Working with Glenn, my company was hired by individual bands and/or labels to come in and film. Hopefully, the footage will be released down the road because it looks awesome. The only bands that did not take part in the filming package were Dreamscape and Pain of Salvation. And let me mention this, along with the bands, you fans made this the best show we've ever filmed!