I fear for COB

I'v heard tons of songs from them other than from those albums. A lot of their songs are really slow so i don't listen to them much. They kind of bore me. But i really like "Sad, but True", "St. Anger", and "Enter Sandman" very much. Out of all of them, "Fuel For Hatred" is the best.

Fuel for Hated is by Satyricon...
It's suprising that I like them still considering who I listen to now but I can't deny that they changed my entire life when I was 15/16.
Load and Reload are good albums. It's stupid to compare them with the first 4 because it's completely different music. People should look at them as 2 albums of music and judge them based on whether they like the fucking songs or not. Not whether they're better than Mop or not.

Load is ok,it has it's moments,Until it sleeps was pretty cool,as was Hero of the Day,Bleeding Me and Outlaw Torn,however,Reload is probably one of my favorite Metallica albums.
i think its 'sad'.
and i think they are doing the same that inflames did.

yep, i think in flames started out good (jester race, whoracle) and now, i can't believe how much they've changed. like the vocals on Reroute to remain (like in Dark Signs..wtf?) are horrible. they sound very generic now. the music still beats most, but i'm just saying, what a shame when a band starts to sound this bad compared to their original sound
hhahaha...you mean the michael jackson "thriller"? i used to watch that when i was like 4 cuz my dad was a big fan...and i've had nightmares of warewolves ever since then :(


I loved the dancing bit at the end though, I used to do it in discos n shit. :lol: