I have the worst fucking cough

Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
Echinacea works great, and supposedly that ColdFX stuff works (it's like concentraded echinacea kinda shitz)

That shit is all myth IMO. Not to mention, they're preventative measures, i.e. you need to start taking them weeks before you "think" you'll be sick for them to even be moderately effective (by building up your body's zinc). Once you're already sick, they're useless since they're not medicine.
my hot sauce remedy has to be done just as you start getting a scratchy throat and sniffles. like the remedy someone mentioned above, it seems to clear the sinuses and burn through the plegmy stuff collecting in your throat. A nurse told me once it's something called capcacin; the hotter the peppers, the higher the capcacin (sp) level.

If you wait til the cold gets into your chest, though, you're too late.
the thing to do would be to culture it then buy the appropriate anitbiotics.
if its bacterial anyway. if its viral. just deal with it. id just deal with it anyway. antibiotics suck.
drink lots of water to losen any secretions you have. let your body do the rest. herbs and homepathic stuff wont do anything. well, there's no evidence anyway.
if you do have bronchitis, itll probably make a comeback in a year or so.
for fucks sake, dont drink any milk.
Unless it's something severe... just deal with it is the way to go. Too many people go "OMFG A SNIFFLE" and rush to get antibiotics. Thats how we're starting to see superbugs and shit like SARS. Cause everybody is taking antibiotics for pathetic shit and so the shits are getting immune to it. I think i've been to the doctor cause I was sick once, and it was cause I'd been sick for 3 weeks straight. (cough, nasal and occaisionally stomach)
dorian gray said:
the thing to do would be to culture it then buy the appropriate anitbiotics.
if its bacterial anyway. if its viral. just deal with it. id just deal with it anyway. antibiotics suck.
drink lots of water to losen any secretions you have. let your body do the rest. herbs and homepathic stuff wont do anything. well, there's no evidence anyway.
if you do have bronchitis, itll probably make a comeback in a year or so.
for fucks sake, dont drink any milk.

Just got back from the doctor, he said my lungs are clear as day, so that's good. My sinuses, on the other hand, not so good. I have a severe sinus infection, so he prescribed antibiotics for that, and a prescription cough medicine to help me out with that.

He specifically said to stay away from dairy, lol.