I just got banned from the official Maiden site again


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
only because Skunk realised that I used to be Profanity.

I was just posting worthwhile posts and not spamming in any way but as soon as Skunk realised who I was she banned me, how unfair is that? Why couldn't she give me another chance?

I am going to make a big deal out of this unfair treatment. She treated loads her unfairly, we should all unite for a new official board Webmaster.
It was all the Clan members that got you banned!! :lol: How do you even know it was skunk who banned you? I thought all the mods now have that option?

I wouldn`t even bother with it anymore. That board is now basically a defunct board and not worth any effort. That board has become the dream board it always wanted to be. Nothing but Iron Maiden praise, which there is nothing wrong with that, but you can`t have a sterile board and expect it to be a fun place.
Surely the fact you said 'banned again' implies you have been banned more than once, you must have said something to upset them previously.
Ray_M said:
That board is now basically a defunct board and not worth any effort. That board has become the dream board it always wanted to be. Nothing but Iron Maiden praise, which there is nothing wrong with that, but you can`t have a sterile board and expect it to be a fun place.
For once I actually agree with you.
Most sites ban you for going back.

I was banned form HMAS for wishing someone happy birthday. another time for bringing the Vicious Cirkill board back to life after being dead for 10 months
Profånity said:
They must have guessed from my type of posts or from my IP number.
If they hate you that much then they would ban your IP most likely, if they haven't then i would assume you have a dyanamic IP so they couldn't use it for accurate identification.