I love bootleggers!


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001

This is exactly why you cannot allow free reign of cameras. For every person that just wants it for the personal collection or to share with their friends (which means the entire internet courtesy of torrents), you will have a douchebag looking to make money off of it.

Take a bow Gerardo!


So Glenn - instead of leading the angry mobs against the idiots, why not create a "Beat the Bootleggers" campaign and RELEASE THE FOOTAGE COMMERCIALLY outside the little compilation dvds?

Re: angry mob

From a legal standpoint, it is not a viable option to pursue these people. The costs far outweigh the benefits. Thus, public humiliation is the only remaining option that may have some affect down the road.

Re: footage

That is not a realistic option. If it were, don't you think all of the major European festivals would be releasing footage from their sets individually? The bands have all of the footage from their performances to do with as they please and even they don't release it commercially save a few (Redemption, Rob Rock, Savage Circus, etc).

And turn off your damn caps. You can make your point without them.
If "bootlegging" were allowed and people could record freely, it would dry up the market for such recordings and "Gerardo" wouldn't make a penny off of this. What do I mean? If I were a huge CIIC fan I would pay money for something like this, to relive what was a great show as it's the only way I would be able to hear it again. If everyone could record freely and "trade amongst friends", I wouldn't have to shell out ten bucks for something like this....it would be relatively easy to get a copy of the show and the "novelty" factor wouldn't be there. Gerardo could listen to the recording himself, but wouldn't make money a dime off of it. I could get it for free or trade with someone else.
hahahaha, classic. but seriously, who would want a hand helded single camera angle DVD? that is what enhanced CDs are for! hahahaha. this dude is a douche not arguing that, but i guess just saying that bootlegging, like illegal downloading, is going to happen one way or the other sadly enough.
This sucks ass no doubt but you basically gave this asshole a plug (no pun intended, lol) as well. I HOPE NO ONE from this forum even considers buying it! But once again, it's kind of like if you KNEW FOR A FACT you would not get caught boning the neighbors wife would you do it? Ask yourself, you might be surprised by your own answer. YOWZA!
I really hate bootleggers. I hope Gerardo gets an ear full from everyone on the board. Thanks for painting a target on his oily hide, Glenn.

YtseJammer brings up an interesting point. Bands such as Grateful Dead and Phish built financial empires by allowing a "taper's section" for their shows. I believe both bands (the Dead for sure, I'm not positive about Phish) sold special taper's passes and cordoned off a designated area for tapers.

The tapes were then traded, and given away free, from fan to fan. Certain shows become legendary and people followed the bands seeking to experience that same magic again and again. People couldn't get enough of the music.

Other jam bands like Umphrey's Mcgee, Rat Dog, and Particle routinely record every gig and sell the shows via the Internet, or -- if you wait around long enough after the show -- at the end of their sets. I've literally walked out of a gig (Particle, for example) with a CD in my hand of the show I just experienced! Talk about technology!

I think Pearl Jam still does this -- records every show and sells the show via their web site. It's a brilliant, brilliant idea.

I'm not suggesting ProgPower do that. Glenn probably can't, for legal reasons. However, the bands that play PPUSA probably could if they wanted to. They could record their show and make it available to fans around the world for whatever price they chose to name. And if they gave Glenn a percentage of each sale, he would benefit, too.

If I had the talent to be in a band these days, I'd do that very thing. I'd record every show and sell the CDs to my fans. Granted, that takes balls because not every show is flawless, free of bum notes, or missed cues. But so what? The fans that were there couldn't care less. They just want to experience the show again.

I realize this "official" bootlegging is different from what the turd Gerardo is doing. But it does speak to the notion of cutting the Gerardos of the world off at the knees.

Is any of this possible, Glenn? Is there any way to thwart bozos like Gerardo by allowing the bands to make their sets available on CD or via the Internet if they choose to? Or would doing so negatively affect attendance at PPUSA?

I guess what I'm asking is this: Is there a way to follow Pearl Jam's lead and make it so bootleggers can't profit, while at the same time securing an extra source of revenue for yourself as well?

Back in the DIY punk days....I used to video tape every show I went too. From the small local acts to national acts. Every band was always cool with taping...I always sent each member a copy of the show. I got a real good rep with bands which would then help later when they would usually call me ahead to see if I was taping. There was a huge network of tape traders who we would all trade with no money being passed along. By doing this it introduced me to lots of bands I would never have heard of. it was nothing but free press for bands....you did have a few who would sell tapes. They were always cut off from the circle of tape traders then.

It is a double edge sword though. You will have the percentage who are just collecting and trading for being a fan sake and then you have the other percentage who are trying to make a buck off of it.

Also at shows, once allowed to be taping...you open the door for people ruining other peoples time with trying to get a perfect spot for taping or just generally disturbing them while taping. Again...another distraction not needed at shows...it is already bad with cell phones and texting during the show.

just my 2 cents

I think taping at say a fest like ProgPower or Powerfest in a way hurts the festival. Instead of having people come in for it...they will have the attitude that they can just get a bootleg of it and that is enough. So in this situation...it isnt a good thing.
Unfortunately, There will always be some fuckwit that will try to ruin something for others in the name of getting a quick buck.... I suggest giving the name of this retard to bar & security personnel.... if the fucker goes for a drink or gets checked by security and they find him they can deny access or have said individual removed.... Of course this plan will rely on the checking of ID....
But once again, it's kind of like if you KNEW FOR A FACT you would not get caught boning the neighbors wife would you do it? Ask yourself, you might be surprised by your own answer. YOWZA!


And the only thing I'm surprised about is how brazen your post is. Feel free to show it to your significant other.

And the only thing I'm surprised about is how brazen your post is. Feel free to show it to your significant other.

I was making a point about the integrity of some folks, self discluded. Bottom line..this guy has huge balls.:puke:
I'm not suggesting ProgPower do that. Glenn probably can't, for legal reasons. However, the bands that play PPUSA probably could if they wanted to. They could record their show and make it available to fans around the world for whatever price they chose to name. And if they gave Glenn a percentage of each sale, he would benefit, too.

If I had the talent to be in a band these days, I'd do that very thing. I'd record every show and sell the CDs to my fans. Granted, that takes balls because not every show is flawless, free of bum notes, or missed cues. But so what? The fans that were there couldn't care less. They just want to experience the show again.

I realize this "official" bootlegging is different from what the turd Gerardo is doing. But it does speak to the notion of cutting the Gerardos of the world off at the knees.

Is any of this possible, Glenn? Is there any way to thwart bozos like Gerardo by allowing the bands to make their sets available on CD or via the Internet if they choose to? Or would doing so negatively affect attendance at PPUSA?

I guess what I'm asking is this: Is there a way to follow Pearl Jam's lead and make it so bootleggers can't profit, while at the same time securing an extra source of revenue for yourself as well?


Metallica does this too. There are a million problems with smaller bands doing this. For one thing, the costs of recording, printing, and shipping (since the band is doing this through its own website, etc) these official bootlegs would probably be too much for any smaller band. Second of all, CD sales are bad enough as they are, what makes you think people would buy 50 live CDs in addition to a full length album?
Its interesting to hear some different views. The Jam Band scene flourishes because of tape trading. Different sets from different nights, bands that mix up the set night in and night out to make people want to come to multiple shows. Kind of like Dream Theater being one of the only "metal" bands that mix up their set night in and night out. Bands like Phish, moe., String Cheese Incident, John Butler Trio all owe Tape traders a LOT of credit for their exposure. While many of these bands don't show up on the Top 10 on the Billboards, they DO pack a large crowd. Phish's last show in Hartford sold out quicker than Dave Matthews Band, who is one of the largest draws in the country right now, year in and year out.

I fully support tape trading personally, I understand why people are against it, but hell, it got me into a scene that I never would have been subjected to. Hell, a few years ago, I thought it was awesome to be sending live sets of shows in the mail to people I didn't know, and have them send me some discs as well. Now with Archive.Org, it makes it all the more easy to check out some live shows, and then go out and see these bands, some of them multiple times on the tour. I think if more bands mixed up the set, it'd give the viewer more incentive to see multiple dates on a tour, making your radius of fan draw that much wider. Either way, its no doubt that the fans of Jam Bands and Metalheads are both VERY VERY passionate, and loyal to their bands, and their scene.. Which one is more passionate, I have yet to see.
Okay, I can't quote everyone here so here goes...

I agree with Tribunal. I just don't see the point and reasoning why people would want to buy this DVD in the first place. It's got to be absolute shit quality. Not condoning what he did what so ever, and he's a douche for doing it. I just don't get the people that actually look for these shit bootlegs.

As for more bands not doing this. Pretty much all the bands that do ProgPower just simply don't have the dough to do this, unless they have it well planned out ahead of time, i.e. the Rob Rock dvd for example. You're comparing the bands at ProgPower to The Dead, Phish, Pearl Jam and Metallica? Seriously? The thing is about those first two bands is it's just something jam bands do, plain and simple. Jam bands have different sets every night, whereas most bands typically put on a similar show every night, give or take certain songs, solos, etc. Pearl Jam has now virtually become a jam band, even though they aren't if that makes any sense. They play their songs, but they probably...no they do have the best mixing up of set lists on the planet. As for Metallica...let's face it, they just have the money.