I officially own Chuck Season 1 on DVD

I'll probably wait to pick up the blu-ray depending on if it survives past season 2. A lot of shows were given a raft last year because of the strike so it'll be interesting to see how they do this time around. I really hope Pushing Daisies & Chuck can survive. Unfortunately Chuck has competition with both How I Met Your Mother and Sarah Connor Chronicles for me. I can only DVR 1 and watch a 2nd so....
How I Met Your Mother is great and I can' wait for a new season of that.
Also, new SouthPark coming in a couple of weeks, and also, and I have to blame my wife for getting me into this show, new Nip/tuck should be starting soon as well, and they left us hanging big time last season.
Season 2 kicks off right were season 1 left. The first episode was pretty good can't wait for the 2nd, the first episode has been up on the internet since last week.
Watched it last night, but still need to go back and watch the first episode. I know exactly what they are talking about with the burger, I am like that with chinese food I have had over the years, and one of those places was the 24 hour place in atlanta that i would get friday and saturday night after the peformances, but it doesn't exist anymore, and they had some kick ass food to boot. I know where to get the best chinese food around here, but it is far enough away for me to not be able to grab it like I use to when i lived a little bit closer, plus I am broke as shit right now, and I am craving me some chinese food, been probably 3 or so months since I have had some.