
Jul 6, 2010
i realy want a fresh pair of ears to help me out with how my sound is progressing atm moment. realy looking for guitar eq opinions and views on my bass tone. i havent put any reverb on the drum kit yet and the last section has no bass.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you have a constructive opinion on this ix help out. tips and general ideas for improvement are what im looking for here

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15846363/Ambidjent Groove.mp3
the cymbals are samples, they are wav files that i put into the DAW, i dont have the room or equipment to record a live kit
I like the part from 0.54 to 1.11 .

On guitars you seem to be boosting the mids with a huge Q, which leads to that cloudy/muddy tone.
Maybe you should use a narrow Q and go across the range to find the frequency that accentuates the "bite" of the guitars. Try not overdoing it, of course.

Another tip: LESS CAPZ LOCKZ
The snare sounds like it's too compressed, or the attack/release/gain reduction is set very aggressively and is detrimental to the sound of the snare. I'd probably add a bit more reverb to it as well, very dry as is.
listening back yeah the snare is lost as fuck, do you think that is from the mastering chain then yea?
stupidly i havent added any rever to the kit yet only mastering reverb is what you can hear. obviously the snare will cut through the mix much better with some reverb with a nice pre delay on it, maybe guna lay off the gain reduction a little bit. thankyou!
im guessing im doing ok on the bass tone then?
im in two minds as to what to do with my reverb that i have on the mastering setup. because it is obviously adding reverb to everything. i like what it does to the cymbals but its giving my guitars extra fizz (which i dont want)
do you guys normaly put a mastering reverb on your mixes? + here is my newest mix where i have added verb to the drum kit in the mix and its hopefuly recovered some of the snare

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15846363/Ambidjent Groove.mp3