I want to order two Deströyer 666 albums...

Honestly I had no idea- until recently - that Deströyer 666 were a so-called essential. I always assumed they were another nice boozefun thrashing horde. But then again, as I said, it's the kind of stuff I need right now.

@ Gugs: I've known Desaster for as long as their debuts. Yes, it's probably a band I'll want to re-discover in the course of this blakk-attakk revival of mine.
Reading some of these, it's absolutely no wonder these guys are so well acquainted with Nemtheanga. I wonder who's influenced who in terms of textwritings. Probably both ways.
good thread, made me dig out p-rising
aye theyre pretty good mates n'all
I really should give this band more time, its really good
there certainly seems to be some cross pollination between them and primordial

I have the lastest album too but I haven't heard it
My good chum Melissa from Adorior is married to shapnel (Ian I think)
she sent me the vinyl version and my fucking turnable is broken....bah
I'll have to get the cd someday...or a new hi-fi
This band destroys so much ass it's a wonder toilet rolls manufacturers still make any turnover.

The opening riff of "I Am the Wargod" is worth owning their entire discography, dammit!!!:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: