Icarus Witch


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
I've recently gotten into this band and I love what they have done. Here's one of my favorite cuts from the sophomore effort, Songs For The Lost. In my opinion, they'd be a great band to lineup for a showcase. Any other fans?

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:headbang: love the witch since I first heard their EP. Can't wait to see them on the 17th with Paul DiAnno. I've hinted at Shane to get these guys....hmmm let's hint some more...:p
You know, that was actually pretty good. The singing is not in my favorite style (too old school imo), but the song was good. In the beginning I was like "Hm, I'm not gonna like this..." but I couldn't bring myself to stop the song.

Good surprise. =)
Personally, my feeling with Progpower is that with the exception of maybe the headliners and maybe one other band, it shouldn't showcase bands that tour frequently in the states which they do. Though, I think if they played the Showcase one year, that would work.
:headbang: love the witch since I first heard their EP. Can't wait to see them on the 17th with Paul DiAnno. I've hinted at Shane to get these guys....hmmm let's hint some more...:p

I would like to see this tour myself, but it's not going to happen.

You know, that was actually pretty good. The singing is not in my favorite style (too old school imo), but the song was good. In the beginning I was like "Hm, I'm not gonna like this..." but I couldn't bring myself to stop the song.

Good surprise. =)

So, basically you're saying that you're shocked I suggested something that you like? :p

I saw them once when they toured with TROUBLE ,and will see em again with Di'Anno.

I still need to get some of their discs.

Jason, I'd stand Songs for the Lost up against any of the Euro bands' efforts within recent years.

Personally, my feeling with Progpower is that with the exception of maybe the headliners and maybe one other band, it shouldn't showcase bands that tour frequently in the states which they do. Though, I think if they played the Showcase one year, that would work.

I agree with you regarding the main festival, but the showcase doesn't need to be so rigid. I think hard working, up and coming bands, that play trad/prog/power metal should be well, showcased, no matter how much they tour the states.

So, basically you're saying that you're shocked I suggested something that you like? :p


No no no, not at all!!!! :lol: What, did you forget I happen to be a huge Savatage fan too? :lol:

The thing is, to be honest, I had heard a few negative comments about them, don't remember what.... so I kinda automatically discarded the band.

Boy, am I glad I checked them out. Good stuff!
I love this band, and they're excellent live. Their new album Draw Down the Moon is even better than Songs for the Lost. And yes, they're certainly Showcase caliber, though not headliner material. Actually, I'd love to see a Showcase that's all about traditional metal. I'm thinking Icarus Witch, Twisted Tower Dire, White Wizzard (or Holy Grail) and Wolf headlining.
I love this band, and they're excellent live. Their new album Draw Down the Moon is even better than Songs for the Lost. And yes, they're certainly Showcase caliber, though not headliner material. Actually, I'd love to see a Showcase that's all about traditional metal. I'm thinking Icarus Witch, Twisted Tower Dire, White Wizzard (or Holy Grail) and Wolf headlining.

What, are you trying to get Diabolik and I to finally show up??? :lol:
I love this band, and they're excellent live. Their new album Draw Down the Moon is even better than Songs for the Lost. And yes, they're certainly Showcase caliber, though not headliner material. Actually, I'd love to see a Showcase that's all about traditional metal. I'm thinking Icarus Witch, Twisted Tower Dire, White Wizzard (or Holy Grail) and Wolf headlining.

That would be badass for sure. As some may know on this forum, I haven't been so subtle about getting Wolf out here. I haven't heard Twisted Tower Dire or Holy Grail though. They shall be the next ones I take a listen to now.
Twisted Tower Dire are a killer band! I need to check out Holy Grail myself. :kickass:


For some reason I just can't get into Twisted Tower Dire after listening to about 6 tracks of theirs on myspace. I have no clue why but they just have nothing that I find interesting. Holy Grail on the other hand is a pretty fantastic band. Unbelievable riffs. HOLY SMOKES!!!!
Personally, my feeling with Progpower is that with the exception of maybe the headliners and maybe one other band, it shouldn't showcase bands that tour frequently in the states which they do. Though, I think if they played the Showcase one year, that would work.

well while IW may tour often I've yet to see them come this far west into CA so I'm totally stoked!!
Just listened to their new disc. Really great stuff. Even "The Ripper" cover was pretty damn good, and I usually hate anyone trying to cover Priest. Now I just need to get their older stuff.