Iced Earth's Jon Schaffer's new solo project - Sons of Liberty


Oskee Wow Wow!
Jan 5, 2007
Northern Chicago Burbs

ICED EARTH guitarist/mainman Jon Schaffer has issued the following update:

"For the last several months I have been working on a new project/solo album called SONS OF LIBERTY. I am excited to unveil this and talk about the motivations behind it this Friday on the Alex Jones show.

"I will be in the studio with Alex on Friday, December 18 at 2 p.m. CST. The show is broadcast from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. CST to over 80 stations nationwide.

"To find a station near you, go to this location or stream it LIVE for free from

"Just click here and you will be able to follow the broadcast.

"Prison Planet members can watch the interview from PrisonPlanet.TV.

"On a newly created website that will go live Friday, December 18, you will be able to download and listen to this new album for free. You will also be able to purchase a high-resolution version. The web address is

"My desire is for SONS OF LIBERTY to become part of a much larger movement that is happening around the world. This new website will be a think-tank containing lots of interesting web-links, book and movie recommendations, and much more. This will be an ongoing process, so check back often.

"I am very proud to be invited to Alex Jones' show and I feel this is the perfect place for me to reveal the first SONS OF LIBERTY album entitled 'Brush-fires of the Mind'.

"This is about the message and not the messenger. This is a project that I encourage you to copy and share with your friends.

"I care very much about what is happening in our world. We've been steamrolling down this road for a long time, so I assure you this is not a politically biased message. I'm hoping to set a few brush-fires in the minds of the listeners with this one. So please, check it out, do the research and get involved!

"Looking forward to getting your responses on this new chapter in my life!"
I suppose I'll have to be the first person to say it...

Isn't Iced Earth already pretty much a solo project, with a bunch of hired musicians? :)
I'm guessing that it will probably sound a little like Iced Earth, only more accessible, and less heavy, intended for a wider audience. It sounds like this is a vehicle for sharing his political views, which is why he's disseminating it for free.
Reading the comments of that article made my head hurt really friggin bad. Ugh, time for an aspirin then bed.
Thanks for warning me. I won't go look. I think adaher is right, it will have the IE flavor, but not the bite and is intended to be a vehicle for his political views. While a bit skeptical, (I hate being preached to) I'll still check it out. Might be good; never know.
I suppose I'll have to be the first person to say it...

Isn't Iced Earth already pretty much a solo project, with a bunch of hired musicians? :)
I suspect he doesn't want to damage the Iced Earth brand with the lyrical content he's about to unveil.

Given the name of the project, the mention of a "movement" and the fact that he's chosen to first speak in detail about the project on the Alex Jones show, means the whole album is likely about how Obama is a secret socialist/communist/fascist Kenyan Muslim, who wants to institute Sharia law and kill all of our grandmothers. The disc will go on to explain how Obama is a puppet of the New World Order, who are all Free Masons and Illuminati, who are responsible for the Kennedy assassination, the faking of the moon landing and the attack on the towers.

By the way, the above description of the forthcoming disc is not at all meant to be sarcastic. It's not meant to be a jab at those who actually believe all of that. I'm merely speculating as to what I think he's up to. The shame of it is, Obama "taking his country away" from him (queue the crying red state woman) has probably pissed him off enough to write good songs again.... or at least songs not built on mid-paced triplets.

I suppose I'll have to be the first person to say it...

Isn't Iced Earth already pretty much a solo project, with a bunch of hired musicians? :)

You took the words out of my mouth. That's what I was going to say after I read the headline.

Honestly, I don't care what Jon does, I support him and his bands. Just get off the Something Wicked story line for a while!
Obama "taking his country away" from him (queue the crying red state woman) has probably pissed him off enough to write good songs again.... or at least songs not built on mid-paced triplets.


THANK YOU SO MUCH! OMG I'll be the first to say that I, not necessarily hated, but rather was extremely disappointed and let down with the last Iced Earth record. I HOPE that either A) this project has better riffs than the last Iced Earth album or B) since people think it will be a little "softer" for this project, that it will make the new Iced Earth better, faster, almost back to the roots. It took me a while to get into Framing Armageddon but after a while I loved the record for what it was, but the last one was just terrible. Sad to say my favorite track was the Intro which Howard and Jim at morrisound completely composed.

Jon Schaffer has probably had the biggest impact, musically, on me as a guitarist. Just listen to the song Seven Kingdoms. I love all that cool gallpoy stuff, but like Zod said, I've had enough of the watered down, slow horse. And not to mention that I was really disappointed with Matt Barlow's performance live last year, and also on the album. Part of me wants Ripper back unless he can pull together like the Horror Show or Something Wicked days.

HAHA lets see if the Obama slogan "Change we can believe in" works for his music. I hope it pisses him off enough to bring back his edge.
I'd like to see the next IE disc consist of 10 or 11 ripping tunes .. outside the constaints of a concept.

And not to mention that I was really disappointed with Matt Barlow's performance live last year, and also on the album. Part of me wants Ripper back unless he can pull together like the Horror Show or Something Wicked days.
Agreed. Tim was way better live in support of Glorious Burden than Matt was on the last tour.

Given the name of the project, the mention of a "movement" and the fact that he's chosen to first speak in detail about the project on the Alex Jones show, means the whole album is likely about how Obama is a secret socialist/communist/fascist Kenyan Muslim, who wants to institute Sharia law and kill all of our grandmothers. The disc will go on to explain how Obama is a puppet of the New World Order, who are all Free Masons and Illuminati, who are responsible for the Kennedy assassination, the faking of the moon landing and the attack on the towers.

Jon's a really smart guy, so I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near that extreme. I take him at his word that he thinks it's not "politically biased". So I guess I'd be expecting stuff more along the lines of "Sacrificial Kingdoms" or "Come What May" off the last album, but made more explicit and extracted from their sci-fi environment. Then again, I haven't talked politics with him in years, so I guess it's always possible that he's become unhinged since then.

Either way, it sounds like a pretty smart idea from a business perspective. Would be interesting to see if he makes any references back to the "Something Wicked..." mythology. Also cool to see that he's experimenting with the Radiohead model (free album with an upsell) which seems like quite a progressive leap from what I remember with Iced Earth album releases.

Jon's a really smart guy, so I'd be surprised if it was anywhere near that extreme. I take him at his word that he thinks it's not "politically biased". So I guess I'd be expecting stuff more along the lines of "Sacrificial Kingdoms" or "Come What May" off the last album, but made more explicit and extracted from their sci-fi environment. Then again, I haven't talked politics with him in years, so I guess it's always possible that he's become unhinged since then.
There was a beta version (I'm assuming it was beta at least) of the Sons of Liberty site live mid-day yesterday with links to various political blogs, talk show hosts (largely conservative), youtube documentaries, etc. One of the links went to the Loose Change documentary - if people want to believe the things in that video, great, but that link alone really made me wonder what kind of content we'll be seeing in these songs.

I'll still give it a listen in hopes that it's pissed him off enough to write some angry, Burnt Offerings-style songs as Zod said, but I'm keeping my expectations pretty low on this one.
One of the links went to the Loose Change documentary

Ah, that's discouraging then. I was holding out hope that maybe he was just leveraging Alex Jones, etc. for the promotional opportunities, but maybe not. Though the Jon I knew was never one for reading blogs and stuff, much less creating websites that link to them, so I'll continue to cling to the small hope that the website-creation was just outsourced to Angry White Man Productions who gave it their standard template.

I'll still give it a listen in hopes that it's pissed him off enough to write some angry, Burnt Offerings-style songs as Zod said, but I'm keeping my expectations pretty low on this one.

Yeah, it'll be interesting to see how "metal" he made things...does the general Angry White Man audience require something more gentle than Iced Earth, or would they actually be able to get into something just-as- or even-more aggressive?

Anyhow, I don't think Jon's written a great angry song since Burnt Offerings, but he's certainly continued to write some great songs. So I wouldn't mind at all if it was fairly wussy. Though if he somehow truly recaptured the anger from Burnt Offerings, I wouldn't mind that either! I guess the worst would be if he wrote some great music but the lyrical content prevented me from enjoying it!

Ah, that's discouraging then. I was holding out hope that maybe he was just leveraging Alex Jones, etc. for the promotional opportunities...
What promotional opportunities does someone like Alex Jones offer a Metal project? The only way Alex Jones could help Jon sell records, is if the lyrical content appeals to the people who listen to Alex Jones. And the folks who listen to Alex Jones, often subscribe to the conspiracy theories I listed above. Feel free to check out for a sampling.

What promotional opportunities does someone like Alex Jones offer a Metal project? The only way Alex Jones could help Jon sell records, is if the lyrical content appeals to the people who listen to Alex Jones.

Not that it's relevant, but I guess we don't actually know if it's a "metal" project or not, right?

Anyhow, the album doesn't need to contain Alex Jones's wildest theories for it to be embraced up by his audience. All it needs is the right cues, along with his endorsement. Surely housewives who otherwise would have vomited upon reading Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" lapped it up lovingly once it became an item in Oprah's Book Club. So I don't think a more-mainstream libertarian viewpoint would be outright rejected. Many believed that "The Glorious Burden" was a political manifesto, even though the lyrics indicated nothing of the sort, so clearly people are happy to flesh out any gaps with their own assumptions and beliefs.

And the folks who listen to Alex Jones, often subscribe to the conspiracy theories I listed above. Feel free to check out for a sampling.

Yup, I'm well-aware...that's why I'm curious if he'll make any references to the "Something Wicked..." story. Surely there are people out there ready to embrace the Setian conspiracy as a work of history rather than a work of fiction! And if Jon can switch from selling heavy-metal CDs to selling Setian Bibles, then he'll have hit the jackpot!

This is probably going to be horrible, but I'll listen for a good laugh if nothing else. Can't really fault him for what he's doing, even if I disagree with his points though.