if there are any Mastodon fans 'round here


Tyrant in Distress
I just got a mailing from Century Media listing new stuff at their distro. Among them is "Call of the Mastodon", which I do believe contains the material from their original demo (9 songs, some of which were re-recorded for their debut EP). Anyway, I've been trying to track down the demo for years, so this is exciting news for me.

Thought I'd pass it along.
Old news. (Sorry if that sounds pompous, not trying to be).

If I remember right, willowtip got some copies in for sale, and they're cheap, reliable, and lightning fast.

Century Media distro shipping = retarded mule.
jimbobhickville said:
Anyhoo, just thought some folks might not have heard of it (I hadn't).
just found out the other day, dled it to check it out. its pretty cool, a few more old songs and they took the samples out of the beginning of the songs (they should've left the intro one though, that one RULES). the added songs are just about as good as the ones from Lifesblood, so its worth it if you like Lifesblood.