I'm the drunk guy in green shirt

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This is just someone on the outside but i HIGHLY doubt the Artmore is going to not let PP attendees back into their establishment unless it is run by idiots not driven by profit. Money is money and one person won't spoil it, that is pretty ridiculous. I wasn't there to see what the "culprit" did but many of you speak as if you have never had a drunken episode, this guy happened to have one in front of an entire concert event. Whoops.

He apologized and yes many of you say it was big of him to do it, but it was much more than BIG of him to do it since none of you really knew who he was. he came forward publically and said he was sorry, get off your high horses and quit being so condescending to a guy who made a mistake with alcohol. It's definitely not the first person at PP to do so over the years, he just happened to apologize for it.

Sorry, but somebody has to stick up for him.

Also, could someone recap why the cops were called again? it wasn't just him was it? it was a courtyard full of PP attendees right? so wouldn't it be everyone in the courtyard's fault too if PP is banned from Artmore?
This is just someone on the outside but i HIGHLY doubt the Artmore is going to not let PP attendees back into their establishment unless it is run by idiots not driven by profit.
There are a number of different possible outcomes between the extremes of leaving things unchanged and telling ProgPower to take a hike. I agree, telling PPUSA to not come back isn't going to happen, however they've been very liberal in their rules - people who are staying elsewhere have generally been welcome to hang out in the courtyard and drink, they've turned a blind eye to bringing in outside alcohol even though they have a published rule against it, they've let parties run their course into the early hours of the morning...all things being equal, they've been pretty accommodating of the post-concert partying. It's entirely possible that they'll remain the festival's official hotel (I would assume so, since they accepted reservations for 2013 already), but clamp down on the parties.

Edit: I don't stay at the Artmore, nor do I hang out in the courtyard, so I didn't see the events in question (and I don't think there's any benefit to publicly rehashing them). I'm not going to judge the guy, but the parties/freedom in socializing comfortably are a big part of the weekend for many people, and it would be a shame to see that negatively impacted due to the actions of one or two people.
I just popped into the forum to read up about next years band roster, and I saw this thread. I don't think I gave you my name, but I was mingling with the group of folks you bought a round for, although I wasn't drinking myself. I have to say, I was nearly heartbroken to see someone who 20 minutes ago was so excited to see his favorite artist perform, flipping off the group and cussing at them, especially considering what it took to get them back to PPUSA after 9 years. I did find Russell Allen's responses to you amusing, and the fact that your "Fuck you guys!" comments to SymX were mixed with "I fucking love you guys!" Security was very professional in dealing with you, and I hadn't heard about the rest of the night until just now.

It takes balls to apologize to one or two people, it takes much more than that to publicly apologize to an entire concert. Thanks for stepping up and taking responsibility for your actions. If I see you next year, we can share a tall glass of water by the side of the stage as an act of forgiveness. Keep it prog, brotha!
You weren't there, Matt, obviously. This guy was one accidental provocation from being very violent. I had the pleasure of entertaining him for 30 minutes, and then making sure his friends found him. Those of us who had dealt with him have every right to be angry at the situation.
Yes quite a few of us have a right to be mad. When the guy fell backwards, while seconds before he was just sitting on the ground, and rolled into my wife I lost my patience but my wife told me to keep my mouth shut. Then when he wouldn't leave our group alone I couldn't take it anymore and made the decision to tell him to fuck off or things were about to go south.

Thanks for apologizing, kudos, but I hope I dont see you next year. No that isn't a threat, I just hope you don't attend the fest period or if you do I hope you're smart enough not to drink AT ALL and smart enough to stay away from any partying that would enable you.
I wasn't there

You should have stopped with that.

Were you hidden in the corner during my conversation with the general manager about our future there and I missed it? Tell me more about all five major incidents that happened over the four nights there in the courtyard that culminated with this that pushed them close to proverbial edge. Perhaps you can share details with me about the midtown noise ordinance that was invoked this year? Were you on the other line when I got a phone call at 0430 on Saturday morning from the night manager? They discussed all the legal liabilities with you right? Do you have personal insight or relationship with the new management team that runs things differently compared to the last 10 years there?

This is one time where you need to stay with what you know instead of speculating on something you have no clue about.
tl;dr: Irresponsible guy drinks too much, becomes a bag of dicks to everyone around him and even people who aren't, and comes close to being the final nail in the coffin of a 12 year tradition of gathering in The Courtyard in a year where there was an unprecedented number of Not-Progpower Calibur people acting like fucksticks.
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