Imminent Sonic Destruction (fantastic U.S. prog metal)

Holy Shit batman, i like this band. Gotta a sound a little like Redemption(music wise).
I was at the CD release party...and although I'll proudly admit I have some bias since I'm good friends with Bryan, they played an awesome show the other night, including a cover of Metropolis that was pretty much spot on. Give these guys a listen, they've got a great sound and definitely lots of talent.
Hello, mortal humans.

If you remember me throwing free copies of MELLOTRON t-track EP's in the Vinyl room at you, that is us.

Yes, we endured a band name change.

I want to let you all know, that track of ours on last year's PPUSA sampler CD was a slightly glitched version. It was slower and lower in pitch than it was supposed to be.

Have bo fear!

We intend to give you all a FREE mp3 of the corrected song. I wanted to plan it out, but tomorrow, I'll just drop it hwre for you all to download. We'll keep it up there for a week or so to let everyone get a chance.

We had our CD release party last Friday. I'm not saying this lightly: BEST GIG EVER. We tore that place apart and glued it back together with the tears of angels.

And we filmed the whole show.

We intend to release a live DVD of this show.

And we covered Metropolis Part 1.

Yeah. That's right. Bitches!

So lemme take care of a few things tonight music-wise, and tomorrow I will set everything up for you all. Until then, fill this thread with questions for us! We'll answer anything!

Don't forget to hit up our website at for links to interviews, reviews, and the usual BUUUUULL-SHEEEEEIIIT for your edumakating needs.

And yes... Plenty of bootleg videos of us on Youtube, go take a stroll and see what you find! Might even catch a partial video of us doing that Dream Theater cover... Hint hint!