Interesting post about the Varg/Euronymous story

My Man Mahmoud said:
2. I find it funny that Varg's crimes are often treated as unforgivable among many metalheads, but Jon Nodtveidt and Faust (whose crimes were, by any reasonable measure, much more heinous) get free passes for the most part.

I haven't really noticed that at all myself. But if that is true then maybe it's because Varg's crime was against a fellow musician who is admired by some portion of the metal community.

For me forgiveness has little to do with it. I just think his views on his sentence are kind of childish and naive and the fact that he is constantly tying them into some huge Judeo-Christian conspiracy against him is even moreso. He did something stupid and is now facing the consequences of those actions. Even if all of the stuff he claims is true (which given the fact that his explanation is the sole one-sided account of what actually happened seems doubtful at the very least), he should know that none of it has much (or any) chance of holding up in court. Media bias or not. The fact that Aarseth supposedly told a few people that he wanted to get rid of Varg (mostly band members whose loyalties could be taken into question) doesn't constitute as evidence. And neither does the fact that Aarseth assaulted someone once before. That is flimsy and circumstantial 'evidence' at best.

Whether Varg is telling the truth or not, his court case was hopeless. He should just accept that instead of conjuring up conspiracies left and right.
I haven't really noticed that at all myself. But if that is true then maybe it's because Varg's crime was against a fellow musician who is admired by some portion of the metal community.

For me forgiveness has little to do with it. I just think his views on his sentence are kind of childish and naive and the fact that he is constantly tying them into some huge Judeo-Christian conspiracy against him is even moreso. He did something stupid and is now facing the consequences of those actions. Even if all of the stuff he claims is true (which given the fact that his explanation is the sole one-sided account of what actually happened seems doubtful at the very least), he should know that none of it has much (or any) chance of holding up in court. Media bias or not. The fact that Aarseth supposedly told a few people that he wanted to get rid of Varg (mostly band members whose loyalties could be taken into question) doesn't constitute as evidence. And neither does the fact that Aarseth assaulted someone once before. That is flimsy and circumstantial 'evidence' at best.

Whether Varg is telling the truth or not, his court case was hopeless. He should just accept that instead of conjuring up conspiracies left and right.

In a US court, he almost certainly would not have been convicted of murder one. Instead, he would have been tried on murder 2 (voluntary manslaughter) charges - precisely the same charge that he claims he should have gotten. There's almost no evidence to suggest serious premeditation, and, had the trial not taken place in an atmosphere of sensationalism and public agitation, it's almost inconceivable that he would have received the sentence that he did (again, I refer you to the much lesser sentences given to Faust and Jon Nodtveidt for a crimes that were heinously brutal, thorughly premeditated and motivated purely by bigotry). This isn't a 'conspiracy theory,' it's the only conclusion that can really be drawn from the evidence.
This is one occasion where I think Nine Feet Under is correct to call you all "noobers". Christian Vikernes and his rants about "nationalist paganism" in my opinion are nothing more than misguided attempts to justify his so called "philosophies" that the christian church is responsible for the ruin of "nordic" culture. I'm not even going to bother going into the inconsitencies in what I have read of his "philosophical convicitions". I don't see how it really matters either way what the media or the public believe about what did or didn't happen where the killing was involved either. As far as I can tell Vikernes' only concern is that he will be forgotten while rotting in prison, which explains why he is the only one dragging up this kind of speculative nonsense in the first place. All things being equal, the content of that letter could be, and wouldn't supprise me if it was, completely fictional. As far as that alleged letter goes it only serves as a front for him to cast Aesarth as a criminal with intent and therefore validate his asertion that it was in self-defense. Whether there is any truth in this is really not the point. The fact is that Vikernes was convicted of murder and that the only purpose in him circulating this kind of material is to stir up controversy and specultation. It's not like it is going to help him get out of prison. Though if enough fans invest in a volvo and leave it out the front he might try and make another jailbreak. The only thing interesting I found about that read was that Vickernes thinks he is proving anything to anyone. One last thing though, who really needs to stab someone 23 times to defend themselves?
well, if you read the damn article, you'd know why there were apparently 23 stab markings. the story is that varg stabbed euro in the head, and then euro fell down onto a broken lamp.
Yeah that is the story. My guess is that the forensic pathologists disagreed, perhaps. I'm not saying either way which really happened. But my assuption is that the falling on a lamp, or broken glass, as the case may be, claim wasn't very credible somehow when it came to trial.
true, also you have to suppose that varg's background of church burnings and neo-nazi bullshit probably didnt serve in his favor either. even if euro did fall on a broken lamp, who's going to beleive varg?
Let's face it though neither of them were exactly benevolent society members. Nor were they exactly rocket scientists or even anything to write home about as composers (in my opinion), even though Aesarth would have disagreed. We shouldn't really be all that supprised that someone got killed either way. Also on a circumstancial note, has anyone ever known of Vikernes to express any remorse or regret at anything that happened? To the best of my knowledge, no. The way I see it there are people in prison for crimes they clearly didn't commit and there are people that claim they were framed in crimes they clearly did. Either way the only thing that gives Vikerns any attention was his involvement in the black metal scene and the people he influenced by it.

[edit] By the way, according to the last interview Aesarth gave, Dead was too dead to eat by the time they found him. There have been rumours though that he and Hellhammer did eat parts of his brain, Also that they made necklaces of the skull fragments. Hellhammer claimed that his was stolen while on tour.

[edit] Having said all that though I quote Nine Feet Underground and say "jesus, who cares".
hes fine with being in prison. would he have reached the level and status hes at now if he HADNT killed euronymous and continued to just make low-fi black metal recordings? no, of course not. music wasnt his motivation, nor his goal. he knows if he wants to appeal to a larger audience, he had to be bold and big. and he did just that.

and if anyone denies the effectiveness of his plan or doings...just look at everyone here discussing it over 10 years later. as well as his loyal following of morons who are waiting for his release, etc.

the man is a retard though, pure and simple.
My thoughts pretty much precisely. I could imagine a ten year old with a casio being on par with Burzum, compositionally. I think what would have probably happened, is he would have been left behind while people like Samoth and Hellhammer grew up and took themselves more seriously as musicians and got over Vickernes and his idiotic rhetoric and realised how pathetic his music was as well as his ideologies.
well i think within the black metal context, burzum is quite important. and thus a substantial act within the extreme music realm, but nothing beyond that. i can count on one hand how many times i need to listen to him through the course of a year. anyone who worries about varg as a person or his beliefs at this point is a total knob and probably about 14 years old.
all_sins_undone said:
true, also you have to suppose that varg's background of church burnings and neo-nazi bullshit probably didnt serve in his favor either. even if euro did fall on a broken lamp, who's going to beleive varg?

I'm sure that with an impressionable jury, that didn't help. But first of all you'd think they'd find shards of the broken lamp inside of him in he fell on it, that would rule out knife wounds (except for the head). By the way, isn't a knife wound that breaches the skull by itself is a fatal wound? The other alleged stab wounds aren't exactly necessary and probably didn't make any difference in the outcome
Nothinggod said:
My thoughts pretty much precisely. I could imagine a ten year old with a casio being on par with Burzum, compositionally. I think what would have probably happened, is he would have been left behind while people like Samoth and Hellhammer grew up and took themselves more seriously as musicians and got over Vickerns and his idiotic rhetoric and realised how pathetic his music was as well as his ideologies.

Yeah, and then varg would've retired from the starved for attention goth scene, and spent his days posting in online forums about "overprogressiveness."
Nothinggod said:
My thoughts pretty much precisely. I could imagine a ten year old with a casio being on par with Burzum, compositionally. I think what would have probably happened, is he would have been left behind while people like Samoth and Hellhammer grew up and took themselves more seriously as musicians and got over Vickerns and his idiotic rhetoric and realised how pathetic his music was as well as his ideologies.
Varg, whose name you keep misspelling, was plenty capable of good compositions. Let's imagine that Varg retires from music to a shut-in life in a cabin in the woods and Euronymous does the same. I still think Burzum would go on to be as big as Darkthrone or a band of that level. Largely because of Emperor playing a more mainstream friendly metal, people with interest in the music traced their way back through all the big founding bands. If you think a 10-year-old could write Burzum songs, then you'd probably think a 4-year-old could write Beherit's material, yet anyone who has scratched beyond the surface of black metal knows Beherit, and none of them murdered anyone. Burzum is quality, and people would still praise them highly regardless of Varg's extramusical activities.
personally i think Faust seem more fucked up killing some gay guy for no reason at all. i think he should get the long setence not vickerns.
MasterOLightning said:
Varg, whose name you keep misspelling, was plenty capable of good compositions. Let's imagine that Varg retires from music to a shut-in life in a cabin in the woods and Euronymous does the same. I still think Burzum would go on to be as big as Darkthrone or a band of that level. Largely because of Emperor playing a more mainstream friendly metal, people with interest in the music traced their way back through all the big founding bands. If you think a 10-year-old could write Burzum songs, then you'd probably think a 4-year-old could write Beherit's material, yet anyone who has scratched beyond the surface of black metal knows Beherit, and none of them murdered anyone. Burzum is quality, and people would still praise them highly regardless of Varg's extramusical activities.
I'm not even going to bother.
As far as being important, I guess in a historical sense Burzum did motivate several key factors that developed the "black metal scene". Vikernes, Aesarth and company did give it a high profile through their actions, unforunate as those actions were. But as far as their skill as composers I would have to say that they really didn't do anything maverick in any sense. Perhaps aesthetically they gave a rough frame of reference that others with more ability developed, but I don't see how you could argue that either Vikernes or Aesarth had the compositional understanding or technical execution of, oh I don't know, Ihsahn, for example. As for how many times I personally feel the need to listen to Burzum in a year, I could cut off both my hands and still give you an answer.