Issue #40!!!!!


Dec 19, 2001
Louisville KY
Just got my issue yesterday in the mail!
Excellent Summer Dying Interview! They've played shows here in Louisville Kentucky 3 times now! Everytime I see them they get better & better! Louisville loves em!
As far as their latest CD is concerned, it just doesn't do them justice at all what so ever! They're definitly one of the best live bands I've seen in a while! They really put on a excellent show!

I found it funny reading the review on the latest IMMOLATION CD! At 1st I thought it was Jim writing this review until I flipped to the next page and read that it was Roman Temin who reviewed "Unholy Cult"! I should of known better because Jim is not that postive towards Brtual Death Metal releases! But then again most Death Metal bands these days suck! But IMMOLATION Rules! They're truly one of the more unique Death Metal bands out there! I salute you Roman!

Hey Jim, What is your opinion about the new IMMOLATION release?

By the way do you still review Demos?

Oh yeah & I will be renewing my subscription soon! Keep up the excellent work!

Assisting Sorrow