It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

I watched it when it first came on for a while. Funny as hell, but hasn't been a priority for me to keep up as I don't have tv/cable/etc. I don't know how it got later, but early on, they were going after some sensitive subjects, and it was awesome. I was sort of surprised the show never got protested into oblivion.
I bought the DVD after my brother had me watch a few episodes. Brian went and watched season 1 and 2 without me while I was away for a few days because he thought I had seen all the episodes at my brother's. I've been slowly watching them on and am almost done with season 2.
I absolutely love Charlie.
I've never seen the show. It looks funny. On the other hand, the advertising for it gets really annoying. They're doing the thing that drives me nuts, which is referring to the show by a shorter nickname that I'm sure their marketing folks told them was "hip" and "edgy". They don't use the whole name of the show, they just say, "Coming up on Sunny!" or "This week on Sunny!"

I hate that! NBC did it with 3rd Rock from the Sun, which just became "Third Rock".

Why give your show a long name if you're not going to use it? I mean, when I was a young-un, we never heard, "Coming up next week on Six Million!"

I've added this to the long list of stupid things I actually worry about.

I hadn't watched it in a long time (see above), but caught one at a friends the other night. Funny like I remembered. I may have to hunt down some more episodes.
I meant to catch it for the first few seasons... but I dont watch a hell of a lot of tv. My sister finally twisted my arm to get me to check out the season opener a week or two ago... epic stuff. Now only if I could remember what damn day its on to catch it again lol.