It's War!!!!

Na, but thank you anyway. I'll be watching Southpark when the bombing starts
Well everyone saw this coming,it would have been stupid not declaering war when you already have your troops there
manuelgv said:
Well everyone saw this coming,it would have been stupid not declaering war when you already have your troops there
Why? We have our troops all over the globe all the time, and war isn't declared on North Korea, Japan, the Phillipines, etc.

Bush didn't declare war yet. He probably will at 8pm eastern on the 19th though. My hopes are that one of Saddam's advisors caps him in the head, because I highly doubt that he would leave his own country voluntarily (even though he could live out the rest of his days in comfort in any number of Arab countries).
yeah there are U.S. troops all around the place the difference is that this time there are lots of troops surrounding the place,destroyers on the shores and airships all yes,this war was coming.
Of course! He's right about so many things! However its wierd how he makes that picture, but then claims that a box of tic tacs would make a better president than bush ( :lol: thats a funny article too). But the highlight of that site has to be the Crappy Childrens Art, I've never laughed so hard ever.
My favorite would have to be "Why change the oil in your car when you girlfriend can do it for you?", but they are all genious. I'm going to start a thread about it.:)
I am not very thrilled about going to war with Iraq. You know that Saddam is probably going to get revenge on us one way or another. I think Busch is fucking war hungery, he doesn't give a fuck about the all the soliders and innocent people that will die. If we get bombed its Busch's fault.