I've just learned something


Aug 5, 2009
Apparently the Queen doesn't need a passport to travel to other countries

Not only that but the black boxes on aeroplanes is infact orange and also the Canary islands is named after dogs

What weird shit have you learned?
Peanutbutter and shoarma do not go together.

Also; never try to trade a cigar for a cigarette from a 60 year old guy with dreadlocks, an opium pipe and who just stole 2 cd's from a performing band which he found under the podium. He will kiss you.

And yes, that happened to me yesterday haha. On the cheek though. Did manage a free cigaret out of it though. Wow. I've turned into a cigarette-whore.
I learned yesterday that little white rabbits with armed with plungers and flying in a yellow submarine can beat the shit out of you when you cant hit them fast enough with your plungergun