Jeff Loomis joins Arch Enemy

Oct 4, 2006
This is going to be interesting lol

ARCH ENEMY welcomes Jeff Loomis as their new guitarist!

Metal icons ARCH ENEMY are proud to announce that guitar legend Jeff Loomis (ex-Nevermore) will be joining their ranks for their upcoming European tour which kicks off November 26, as well as all future tours in 2015.

Jeff Loomis states:

”I'm very excited to be playing with Arch Enemy. Michael Amott and I have stayed in contact over the years since we toured together when I was playing in Nevermore. Not only do I admire his guitar playing and songwriting, but I also consider him a close friend. To be able to share the stage with Michael, Sharlee, Daniel and Alissa is something I'm really looking forward to. 2015 is going to be a great year... See you all on tour!”

After a great year of intensive touring in support of their critically acclaimed album, War Eternal, Arch Enemy are parting ways with guitarist Nick Cordle who states: "With War Eternal I believe we wrote an album together which will stand the test of time, and I wish them well for the future."

USA fans will be able to catch a special reunion as Christopher Amott (the brother of ARCH ENEMY founder/bandleader Michael Amott) has joined the band for the remainder of their American headlining tour.

Michael Amott (guitars) comments: ”We all wish Nick the very best in his new endeavors and we are sure that you will hear much more from him. We're also super grateful to my brother Christopher for stepping in to finish the current American tour!”

”The prospect of working with Jeff Loomis moving forward is truly awesome! Jeff Loomis is one of the best guitar players in the metal world in my opinion, as well as being a long time friend. I look forward to tearing it up on stages around the world together as we continue on the War Eternal' touring cycle throughout all next year and beyond!"
Wasn't he supposed to be joining Megadeth or something? I must be thinking of a different guy. :confused:
Well this is interesting. Loomis is my favorite guitarist. Arch Enemy used to be good...Amott is still a good player even though he's been tamed by money and fame. Get rid of the girl and you'd have yourself a potentially formidable band. Anyway, I expect some pretty heavy guitar work if they decide to record together (note this just says they will tour together and have the 'potential' to move forward together). I'd way, way rather have him go back to Nevermore. I mean fuck.
I didn't mind Angela, Wages of Sin was pretty solid IMO. Must have listened to We Will Rise about a million times as a young lass. But that new chick blows. He's really taking a risk with this.
I think Burning Bridges is a pretty solid album as far as the Gothenburg stuff goes, but everything after that is just godawful. I hate to say it, but I think it's poser horseshit sold to kids through the magic of breasts.
everything up to and including wages of sin is awesome. they started going downhill and more mainstream with anthems of rebellion, the album featuring 'we will rise' (their first direct appeal to the mainstream), and have been hit or miss but mostly miss since then.

but amott and loomis togther is awesome. i just can't stand the 'pretty girl fronting a death metal band' concept. it's so unmetal.
horseshit sold to kids through the magic of breasts.

:lol: like 75% of music amirite?

This decision was probably heavily influenced by finances. Loomis' solo project got robbed of everything while on a US tour with Soilwork a year or to ago (like right before I saw them).
"I hate to say it, but I think it's poser horseshit sold to kids through the magic of breasts." <<<<<<<
I dunno, I never hear people really talk about the fap-factor of the Arch Enemy singer. I mean, I don't deny that they are known because they have a female singer, but it's not like she's using her booby power to do it.
Technical proficiency < Actually good riffcraft. I'll take Rob Vigna over Jeff Loomis all day every day.