Jon Oliva's Pain

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Never liked Savatage, but I must admit that the new Jon Oliva's Pain is quite good. However, the best track in my opinion is the bonus track, "Reality's Fool". There's a solo at the end that owns my soul. Trying to figure it out on guitar, and I've got most of it done, but there are a lot of subleties to it that are difficult to nail.
old and new Savatage is awesome. I also love TSO and Jon Oliva's Pain.
Jon Oliva is indeed a very talented musician. So was Criss (RIP)
They're one of the few bands I can honestly say I can't pick a favorite album out of. Pretty much all of their releases are awesome in their own right.
Never liked Savatage, but I must admit that the new Jon Oliva's Pain is quite good. However, the best track in my opinion is the bonus track, "Reality's Fool". There's a solo at the end that owns my soul. Trying to figure it out on guitar, and I've got most of it done, but there are a lot of subleties to it that are difficult to nail.

great record, sounds like Sava
my sister knows Warrels neice, he played her some songs froom his solo , she said it was really confusing, some songs sound like at the gates (and I just came in my pants), and some sound like savatage.. I tink she's high
I wouldn't say it sounds like's pretty heavy in places, but not ATG heavy.

one of the new songs, don't think anybody has this one, sounds like ATG in the main riff, it KILLS... W will kill me now if he knows I'm talking about it..
I grew up in Tampa during Savatage's heyday, and they were a really cool bunch of guys. We used to hang out and watch them at their practice space and Criss was one helluva guitarist.....R.I.P brother, and props to John for keeping the music alive...
RIP Chriss...

Savatage kick ass.
In one of his early interviews Warrel said that Jon Oliva is one of his main influences.

madness fucking reigns