Jorn ~ straight through the heart ~ Video LIVE

Do you guys go to concerts and count how many people are there ? I personally wouldn't care if there were 5 people in the room if i was seeing a kick ass rock band. I would have LOVED to have been at this show.
Do you guys go to concerts and count how many people are there ? I personally wouldn't care if there were 5 people in the room if i was seeing a kick ass rock band. I would have LOVED to have been at this show.

I actually do care a lot about attendance. Good attendance means the band will probably come back.

Whats even funnier is that Jorn thinks his shit doesnt stink, at yet look at the crowd. With the stunt he pulled about not allowing Stars or footage from the jam on the dvd, and then releasing the show on his own was BS. I am done buying his stuff.
Your an idiot.

As little as the progpower videos sell and as long as it takes for them to get out to the buying public i don't blame JORN one bit for not wanting to be a part of it.. The last progpower video was crap, all it showed was the bands on stage. i ordered it online and got it almost a year later and promptley traded it. . The one PPUSA video, (which was a behind the scenes thing), i did buy was at the show and it was $10 and they had a ton of them for sale and THAT was a GREAT DVD, guess they didn't sell out uh? You guys always act like it's Jorn Landes fault for everything to do with PPUSA. It was JORNs fault that PPUSA 7 didnt sell out, blah blah blah. You guys act like Progpower USA is so important but yet it only sells 1,100 tickets each year? Why doesn't it do more? Oh thats right, it's supposed to be for a more "intimate" crowd, lol. You all make fun of JORN for not selling alot of tickets to his solo shows yet 12-15 European Prog Metal bands are only capable of playing a festival in the USA than can sell a mere 1,100 tickets. Trust me, outside of your little Progpower world no-one knows or cares about this little festival.

Go ahead and ban me for another year glenn, i don't care. Most the people who attend this fest are morons.
Go ahead and ban me for another year glenn, i don't care. Most the people who attend this fest are morons.

Why attack me and the festival when I have nothing to do with this discussion? Classy.

Jorn and I have had our differences in the past, but we remain friends and professional contacts. There is no animosity between us.

To address a few points quickly though....

The festival dvd is meant to be nothing more than a souvenir to the fans that attended the festival that year. It is not marketed, advertised, or sold anywhere outside of the festival. I have never sought domestic or international distribution either. Furthermore, I have never put a dime into the project. The company that produces it does it as a side project with the hopes of making a small profit at the end of the day. I have never pretended the dvd was anything more than it was.

I have no desire to sell more than 1,200 tickets. I have said for the past five years that I have no desire to move the festival regardless of the success. I do not even bother to advertise the festival or promote it beyond the website. I could easily sell more tickets and branch into other genres to grow the festival. I have no desire. I'm not greedy. I am happy with my current product. The atmosphere I am able to create is what sets ProgPower USA apart from other festivals in not only the States, but across the world.

As for nobody knowing about the festival, that's a relative argument. I could say the same about people knowing who Jorn is if that is the case. However, I will remind you that:

a. I continue to book top talent from across the world.
b. I have sold tickets to 46 states and 24 countries over the past 8 years.
c. I have contacts and friendship with record labels, management firms, booking agencies, and bands across the world.
d. I have been featured in some of the biggest print mags in the world that cover our music (Bilboard- U.S., Rock Hard- Germany, Roadie Crew- Brazil, Burn!- Japan, and the list goes on and on).
e. I get over 100,000 hits per year on the website.

Now what exactly have you done for the scene?

You come across as a childish fanboy that has to stoop to a 3rd grade level to defend his hero. You are immature and have absolutely no class. I will give you a chance to read and continue to whine for a bit longer, before banning you forever. I simply don't have the time or desire to endulge your primal instincts to beat on your chest and grunt, "JORN GOOD! PROGPOWER USA BAD!"
What are the four states you've missed out on selling tickets to? I can work on getting stationed there next. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who lived in Alaska and bought a ticket...

a. I continue to book top talent from across the world.
b. I have sold tickets to 46 states and 24 countries over the past 8 years.
c. I have contacts and friendship with record labels, management firms, booking agencies, and bands across the world.
d. I have been featured in some of the biggest print mags in the world that cover our music (Bilboard- U.S., Rock Hard- Germany, Roadie Crew- Brazil, Burn!- Japan, and the list goes on and on).
e. I get over 100,000 hits per year on the website.
Your an idiot.

Go ahead and ban me for another year glenn, i don't care. Most the people who attend this fest are morons.

Well, yeah, but at least most [of] us know proper English usage and how to proofread our posts. :lol:

Far more important than your post, though :rolleyes: -- Glenn, you were mentioned in Billboard? When was this? What was the article about? I don't remember that being mentioned here before, and Billboard is THE industry rag (well, there's also R&R...)