Just heard Opeth on Philly's biggest rock station...

Dec 3, 2002
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Wow. So i'm jamming like normal with my guitar and the radio turned on. I'm rocking out over all the crappy music they play and all the sudden....*Deliverance intro* My jaw just drops. I immediately start to play along with it. It was on 94WYSP, Philly's biggest rock station.

They played a very cut-up version of it but still they deserve radio play. It was hard jamming with it when they kept cutting out parts and shit. A lot of you probably don't want to hear your favortive underground band on the radio but I think its fucking great. Go Opeth!
Cool...*prays it doesnt happen on his local radio station*

Sadly, it's gonna happen, no matter what the music progresses into further, bands get more and more attention once they get that initial discovery by some kind of mainstream media. Look at Metallica, even after a fucking TERRIBLE album like St. Anger, they are fucking everywhere now. Even if Opeth makes a super anti-mainstream satanist MAYH part 2 album next, all the fucking mainstream reviewers and kiddies will just think they will be cooler if they listen to it, and Opeth's reputaion will only get bigger from here.
You're all acting like it's a bad thing that more people are listening to Opeth. Would you rather them continue not listening to something that isn't good?
As selfish as if mat be......Yes, I'd rather Opeth be as popular as in the Morningrise era.
My reasoning for this statement is, Imagine all the albums they have released up to and including Blackwater Park. Those five albums were a progression of a band becoming more and more talented (and more recognized) as the years went by. BWP was a landmark album yes, but it was the gateway to the mainstream community. I love Deliverance and Damnation, but not as much as I love Morningrise and Still Life.

I think some others will agree when I say even thought Opeth (Mike) aren't going to let mainstream and popularity affect them consciously, it will affect the song writing subconsciously. Sorry for ranting and thanks for anyone who read, but I feel Opeth is a band that's "sound" was born of the underground, and they should live and die that way.
most of the people who are into real metal scene know opeth. some of them like them and some of them don't. but I'm glad that they know. I also heard opeth for the first time in a magazine and their album were promoted as 'best death metal ever' or stuff like that. shortly : any band needs some promotion to reach potential fans. nobody would jump into the store to buy all of their cds after hearing them on the radio.
Manifestation said:
I think some others will agree when I say even thought Opeth (Mike) aren't going to let mainstream and popularity affect them consciously, it will affect the song writing subconsciously. Sorry for ranting and thanks for anyone who read, but I feel Opeth is a band that's "sound" was born of the underground, and they should live and die that way.
That has been my exact thought since i heard mike say that even if damnation goes platinum they will still do something different and they wont go mainstream or whatever he said. Glad you pointed it out.
I think it's good that Opeth are getting the recognition and acclaim they deserve, but I do not think "mainstream kiddies" are going to like there music. People who enjoy mainstream music, usually only listen to songs that incorporate simple chord changes, 3/4 and 4/4 time measures, and simple song structures. I do not think Opeth will appeal to Good Charolette, or Dashboard Confessional fans. Opeth deserve success.... and I don't think they'll lose their artistic vision.
I think it's been said plenty of times that Opeth aren't going to compromise their musical vision for whomever their audience is. Whether it grows into more people, or stays at the number it is.
WYSP only plays slightly underground bands in the wee hours of the morning. This is no big deal. They also play Dream Theater and Iced Earth at that time, but never during the day. All the mainstream kiddies that some of you are afraid of were in bed by that time...
Manifestation said:
As selfish as if mat be......Yes, I'd rather Opeth be as popular as in the Morningrise era.
My reasoning for this statement is, Imagine all the albums they have released up to and including Blackwater Park. Those five albums were a progression of a band becoming more and more talented (and more recognized) as the years went by. BWP was a landmark album yes, but it was the gateway to the mainstream community. I love Deliverance and Damnation, but not as much as I love Morningrise and Still Life.

I think some others will agree when I say even thought Opeth (Mike) aren't going to let mainstream and popularity affect them consciously, it will affect the song writing subconsciously. Sorry for ranting and thanks for anyone who read, but I feel Opeth is a band that's "sound" was born of the underground, and they should live and die that way.
Djm said:
I think it's been said plenty of times that Opeth aren't going to compromise their musical vision for whomever their audience is. Whether it grows into more people, or stays at the number it is.
Linkin Park also said the same thing when they started out...
Linkin Park had no musical vision to start with.

And you're comparing to Opeth. That's great. No wonder people think metal fans are elitist pricks.
How fucking pathetic that you people think this is good? They chop up deliverance a 13min plus kick ass song into what? 5 min garble? And you think that a bunch of trendwhores finally getting the chance to listen to music that their too lazy to go out and discover is a good thing? Get a clue!
AllWithinMyMonster said:
How fucking pathetic that you people think this is good? They chop up deliverance a 13min plus kick ass song into what? 5 min garble? And you think that a bunch of trendwhores finally getting the chance to listen to music that their too lazy to go out and discover is a good thing? Get a clue!

I would have to agree with this guy. I don’t really have a problem with opeth being played on the radio, but to chop it up is really pointless, and if it were my music i'd take it as a slap in the face, what would happen if some art museum cut up an art piece because they didn’t have enough room, it would be an outrage. But i guess any kind of publicity is good publicity in this day and age, these are sad sad times we live in...
Don't be so selfish! Opeth deserves to excel and flourish because they are so talented. Think of other bands that made it big from underground roots. Metallica, Slayer, Black Sabbath, Pantera etc. They're all some of the bets metal bands ever! Mainstream success didn't take away from their awesomeness! (except for Metallica) Slayer still kicks ass, Ozzy left Black Sabbath before they had time to suck, and Pantera was awesome until Phil Anselmo left and they broke up. Mainstream success dosen't necessairly always kill the band. I applaud Opeth and cheer them on. They deserve this more then any other band out there. If it involves killing their art and destroying what once were great songs for radio play, then I won't be a happy camper. But if Opeth's music becomes popular the way it is then good for them!
Djm said:
You're all acting like it's a bad thing that more people are listening to Opeth. Would you rather them continue not listening to something that isn't good?
Right. I think it is good that one band can appeal to so many different people.

The Pasta Dude said:
Don't be so selfish! Opeth deserves to excel and flourish because they are so talented. Think of other bands that made it big from underground roots. Metallica, Slayer, Black Sabbath, Pantera etc. They're all some of the bets metal bands ever! Mainstream success didn't take away from their awesomeness! (except for Metallica) Slayer still kicks ass, Ozzy left Black Sabbath before they had time to suck, and Pantera was awesome until Phil Anselmo left and they broke up. Mainstream success dosen't necessairly always kill the band. I applaud Opeth and cheer them on. They deserve this more then any other band out there. If it involves killing their art and destroying what once were great songs for radio play, then I won't be a happy camper. But if Opeth's music becomes popular the way it is then good for them!

I totally agree. I don't know why people are so against a band getting "big". I think music is made to be heard. Let it be heard!!!