King Diamond...The Puppet Master...


Lost to Apathy
Feb 26, 2002
Knoxville, TN
I'm sure Jay and the RC staff can attest to this:

It annoys me greatly when Metal Blade sends a three song can I review this??????

That said, I am actually surprised by how good these three songs are. Having never been too much of a KD fan I am now eagerly awaiting this release.....
What's IMO worse than this practice is including every song, but cutting them off early. Nuclear Blast/Relapse did this with Amorphis "Am Universum"... Idiocy.
I've yet to run across a dumb promo, but I know some of tactics are used to prevent file-sharing. The latest Type O Negative promo had a voiceover on all the tracks, "The new Type O Negative, released 6/xx/03... The new Type O Negative, released 6/xx/03... The new Type O Negative, released 6/xx/03... "
NAD said:
I've yet to run across a dumb promo, but I know some of tactics are used to prevent file-sharing. The latest Type O Negative promo had a voiceover on all the tracks, "The new Type O Negative, released 6/xx/03... The new Type O Negative, released 6/xx/03... The new Type O Negative, released 6/xx/03... "
Of course one of my favorite promos is the Masterplan promo CD where the entire tracks is just one long ass song...I am a subscriber that if I like the music, I will go out and buy the CD for my collection. However, the record companies must understand that file sharing is here to stay, the electronic age of the computer world is here so they need to think accordingly. Lawsuits are not going to solve problems just make things worse. I am all for the artist making money after all this is what most do for a living...but in all honesty do you really think they see much profit...personally the record industry and legal hounds suck most of the money to begin with. It's even worse if you are on a small label because both the artist and the label are trying to break even. Mark my words, it is just a matter of time that someone is going to find a loophole somewhere and turn around and slap the record industry with a lawsuit of their own. I don't think selling bootleg copies of CD's is right and making profit from someone elses work, but at the same time, how many used CD's and promos do you see sold on ebay or other on line auctions? Technically isn't that a punishable act?

OH shit, sorry about the soap box derby almost forgot that this was about King Diamond! :) I was never into this guy although I did like some of the older MF stuff...maybe I should give this fucker another listen! :)

Cheers, Tony
This is the best KD stuff I've heard in a while - calmed down the vox a bit (a la early MF), and Andy La Rocque is just shredding!

@RC team - it's on the promo e-mail list, but who the fuck wants to review a 3 CD sampler? Wait for the real thing I say...plenty of other new shit to deal with in the meantime.