
Nope, but again sometimes I am of the mindset of being wowed live. Since it is a live festival I am attending. I prefer not to know the in's and out's of all the bands on the roster beforehand. I want some bands to surprise me and make me love them first via performance then go get the albums later since in 2012 album production is about sonic perfection and not so much ability to play songs live.

Kingcrow just didn't wow me enough to stay.
Completely fair.
I definitely think they got better as they went along. Maybe it was nerves? Sound issues for them? Dunno - but I was looking forward to seeing them and am glad I stayed for the whole set and didn't leave. For me - the dividing point seemed to be the instrumental. After that, they played with more confidence, a little more personality perhaps not as much nervous energy.

I can see how some might not have liked them if they only saw the first song or two - that is all they saw and didnt like it. In this case - I feel like they missed out but if they weren't grooving to the tunes to begin with oh well. I do this often at PPUSA as I am not into the really proggy bands and if after trying to sample some of their tunes on the internet am not really into it - I give them a couple songs. If it is too keyboardy I usually use that time to go make my runs (beer, pee, visit, shop). This year however I ended up seeing all the bands for at least a few songs - so it ended up being prolly one of the strongest lineups ever (for me, based on amount of time seeing bands). I wouldnt have guessed that going in - but that is how it ended up being.

Best thing about the fest - you can only watch a couple of the bands and still end up getting more than your money's worth :) I am hoping the next Kingcrow provides us with some more kickass tunes and in another album or two they will be back.

There were apparently problems getting things ready for their set. Problems with the "tracking"(?) and major issues with getting the keyboards set up and working properly. This was straight from the band as I spoke to them with in minutes of them coming off stage. They were disappointed that things weren't dialed in to start the show.(to be clear, I am NOT nor would I ever diss this wonderful kick ass crew that puts this show on) However, the band played on like true professionals. Personally, from the front row, I thought Kingcrow sounded great and had a wonderful performance. Not only that but they are extremely nice guys.