King's Machine


Jan 11, 2006
Just checked out King's Machine. It was one of Lance's old projects.
A State of Mind is a great album. Not sure if Lance keeps any of these songs around with him (as in... wants his other bands to think about playing the songs). But he should. They are good. It has a tinge of Queensryche, Judas Priest, maybe some Aerosmith and definitely some Alice in Chains (Sailing Through the Doorway is like a prog version of AiC... awesome song!) as well. Some songs lean on the 'pop' side at times. Which I enjoy. Its not false, its just the rhythms and pace of the songs I think would enjoy a wider appeal to some palates.

Among the King's efforts this ranks second behind Pyramaze's first album for me. I still need to absorb Avian more.

One thing about this album is that production wise it sounds 'dated' and a little rough. But its worth it.

((p.s. Lance King does the best 'Layne Staley' I've heard. Would be awesome if he chose an AiC song for the jam session. Probably won't.))
THANKS GUYS, if anyones interested, you can get them at this direct link, or I'll bring some to PROG-POWER as well!
I don't know, I suppose I could talk to the Krucible guys about it if there was a demand for hearing the music.
I still have a full album in the can from KINGS MACHINE that was never releases....and a full live show recorded for DVD and multi track
that never came out in the can as well, if there is a demand, perhaps I'll make this available as well. Let me know!;2045788&WCU=geAb3l0W5IN0KoWmGSX76KahACQJ1aTz

rage on!