Latency between blended kick samples?


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
I'm using drumagog to blend in a kick to Metal Foundry, but there's a very tiny amount of latency between the two samples making for some odd triggering, particularly at high speeds.

Any ideas to remedy this?
Most likely your kick sample has a little empty silence before the hit. Just open it up in a wav editor (I use audacity) and remove it.
Good idea.
I'm also noticing a little frequency cross-over causing issues. I can't grasp drumagog's built-in filter, it doesn't seem to actually DO anything. Am I just being a total tard? Like, I'll tweak the low/high pass but it's making no difference
I think the filters dont actually filter the samples its triggering but the material your trying to trigger in order to achieve a more natural response. Like if a snare track has a lot of bass drum in it, you can set it to "filter" the really low stuff, thus not triggering a snare sample on bass drum hits.
Ahhh... in which case, is there any way to filter your sample without effecting the blended sample?

Also, I don't think the sample is the problem with latency after all Damian B, because the drift in latency isn't constant, it comes and goes
Hmm not within drumagog as far as I know, id filter the original track to how you want it then bounce it down then insert drumagog on it myself. Might be other ways though!
It's ok actually, it seems to have sorted itself out. After blending the kicks a little better in terms of their EQ, I'm starting to believe it was a conflict of EQ between the two causing a bit of a phasing effect. Not to mention, it's much tighter on mixdown than on playback, but that's to be expected anyway