Leprous (and Zero Hour) Blowout Sale!

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Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
In our changeover in distribution (we just moved over to E1) we had to take back excess inventory. We have too many copies of:

Leprous - Tall Poppy Syndrome
Zero Hour - Specs Of Pictures Burnt Beyond

Until we are able to bring our inventory down to manageable levels we are pricing these below wholesale to move them out quickly. Its a a great way to become familiar with Leprous ahead of their appearance at ProgPower USA.

Why the need to underline your post? Why not post like a normal person? Why the fuck the attitude?

Oh, and most importantly..

Why the fuck am I bothering replying to this? :lol:

For some reason he decided to take it on himself to link that post to the Zero Hour album.

I'm assuming he's just having a bad day, because it really isn't much work to find the album on the site.
I do it to annoy the fuck out of you.

I do it to annoy the fuck out of you.
I was on a 5 minute break, wanted one of those disks, and knew I would not get another chance for 7 hours to pick it up. By then it might be gone. So you might joke about this but you literally lost a sale by making it too hard to find.

You have done this to us before and frankly I had ran out of patience. Guess what? A lot of people are just as busy as you are, but our JOBS are not centered around buying YOUR merch. YOUR job however, is to make it as easy as possible to sell the music you want us to buy.

No, you did not annoy me; you saddened me and frankly I was hoping you would understand the frustration that you can cause by not pointing us directly at the records you so shamelessly advertise outside of your banner ads.

Do you REALLY believe you are doing us a favor by selling us records we could get easier on Amazon? Really????? That is not annoying, I have a lot of other things that bother me more.

If I wanted to have someone annoy the fuck out of me I would just remarry my ex. You don't need to try so hard :)

Joking aside--
This is more of a general issue. One of the reasons so many people I know order music from Amazon.com is because it is difficult to find or order from smaller sites. If it is not easy to find a disk you advertise, then people are less likely to buy it. Why make it harder than it has to be? Are you so busy that you cannot take 15 seconds of your time to provide a link directly to the disk you want so badly for us to buy?

I spend a lot of money (averaging 200 per year) at the vendors tables and order few disks online, because I will not dick around with a site that should be easy to navigate. So I wait until September to do YOU a favor directly by handing the cash that a lot of others would direct at Amazon.

And I am not trying to single you out either. Lots of vendors in our genres just don't want to go the extra mile for us. Wasn't it just last year, one of the vendors wanted you to send an email request for records because they did not even have an operating site? WTF is that? I mean, get into the 21st century people!

I work for one of the largest web hosting companies in the world (on the professional side, not taking calls) so I know it is not THAT hard to have a fully functioning easy to use web storefront, and it does not cost a lot of money to run one either.

Maybe everyone else on the site should act the same way as you. Maybe nobody should provide links to Youtube or MySpace for new groups. Let people spend THEIR valuable time trying to find something instead of just clicking on a link and getting to what you want them to see. Let's bring back the 1980s!

Maybe that would make you feel better?

Oh and I just looked at Lance's latest thread--he has four out of the 5 albums he talks about set up prominently on his landing page.
And I will land my ass at his table first on day one, because he cares more about us than YOU DO.
I was on a 5 minute break, wanted one of those disks, and knew I would not get another chance for 7 hours to pick it up. By then it might be gone. So you might joke about this but you literally lost a sale by making it too hard to find.

You have done this to us before and frankly I had ran out of patience. Guess what? A lot of people are just as busy as you are, but our JOBS are not centered around buying YOUR merch. YOUR job however, is to make it as easy as possible to sell the music you want us to buy.

No, you did not annoy me; you saddened me and frankly I was hoping you would understand the frustration that you can cause by not pointing us directly at the records you so shamelessly advertise outside of your banner ads.

Do you REALLY believe you are doing us a favor by selling us records we could get easier on Amazon? Really????? That is not annoying, I have a lot of other things that bother me more.

If I wanted to have someone annoy the fuck out of me I would just remarry my ex. You don't need to try so hard :)

Joking aside--
This is more of a general issue. One of the reasons so many people I know order music from Amazon.com is because it is difficult to find or order from smaller sites. If it is not easy to find a disk you advertise, then people are less likely to buy it. Why make it harder than it has to be? Are you so busy that you cannot take 15 seconds of your time to provide a link directly to the disk you want so badly for us to buy?

I spend a lot of money (averaging 200 per year) at the vendors tables and order few disks online, because I will not dick around with a site that should be easy to navigate. So I wait until September to do YOU a favor directly by handing the cash that a lot of others would direct at Amazon.

And I am not trying to single you out either. Lots of vendors in our genres just don't want to go the extra mile for us. Wasn't it just last year, one of the vendors wanted you to send an email request for records because they did not even have an operating site? WTF is that? I mean, get into the 21st century people!

I work for one of the largest web hosting companies in the world (on the professional side, not taking calls) so I know it is not THAT hard to have a fully functioning easy to use web storefront, and it does not cost a lot of money to run one either.

Maybe everyone else on the site should act the same way as you. Maybe nobody should provide links to Youtube or MySpace for new groups. Let people spend THEIR valuable time trying to find something instead of just clicking on a link and getting to what you want them to see. Let's bring back the 1980s!

Maybe that would make you feel better?

Oh and I just looked at Lance's latest thread--he has four out of the 5 albums he talks about set up prominently on his landing page.
And I will land my ass at his table first on day one, because he cares more about us than YOU DO.

BITCH MOAN COMPLAIN. Did you type all of that out before or after checking Ken's site 7 hours after your 5 minute break to see if the cd was still there? Jesus fucking Christ, and I thought I was an uptight prick.
And from the time that I clicked the link, to the time that I had the Leprous album in question on my screen, it was about 10 seconds. Fucking children.

No kidding... I mean, never mind that they're the first two items listed on the index page under "Hot Progressive and Power Metal", which is no more than halfway down the page. And never mind that there's one of them there newfangled search fields right at the top of the homepage. Clearly it needs to be easier to find CDs on this site. :cry:
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