Line6 Toneport UX1, Drumkit From Hell 1, Symphonic Metal stuff...

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

I just finished this song today

Guitars were recorded with Toneport UX1, and my Ibanez SA160QM with EMGs
Drums are DFH sequenced in FL Studio,
The snare fills in minute 3:26 are Fxpansion BFD (DW Snare)
Orchestra is from EastWest Symphonic Orchestra Silver Edition
Bass from Broomstick bass,
choir samples from Symphony of Voices

Everything except guitars was sequenced in FL Studio, guitars were recorded later at Sonar 4

As a curiosity, the overall guitar sound seems to be somehow similar with my Framus Cobra, you know, it can't be compared with a Toneport, but it makes me remember the Cobra tone everytime I listen to it. Siren.mp3

So, what do you think about it?

Best regards!
Well well... halloo there. I was surprised when the music started. DFH 1 and other things i never heard of... It sound brilliant... the drums sounds good... the first sound from DFH 1 i liked. The music is quite good too... Me like!
I also liked the arangement, but the mix seems to be lacking a bit in the low end, had a hard time hearing the bass.

I always listen to mp.3 tracks posted here in quicktime with no added q this seems to be the best way to determine if the mix is friendly or not.

So yeah just boost your lows a tad and I would say fuck yeah!
I am just listening to your song on my little computer speakers, but it sounds rocking to me.

Good song writting. In the small amount of time I have listened to songs on this board I have heard mixing that is really great and way better than mine, but usually the song writting does nothing for me.
Thanks people!

@Rekisum: Yeah, the DFH1 sucks for my taste, it's too artificial... I used the DFH samples with FL Studio, and processed each sample (loaded about 120 samples manually) with individual compressor, reverb and eq settings. That's why it sounds averagely decent. Thanks for commenting!

@GuitarGodgt: I can't notice that lack of low frequencies, but you know, I mixed it with a pair of 10$ headphones :D, what can I expect then? :D:D
Thanks for the advice anyway ;)

@midget donkeys: Thanks! but I don't like that song too much hehe... I got tired of it...

I prefer this song: Hopes.mp3

I think it sounds better and it's more catchy...

Thanks to everybody!
Best wishes.
Thanks people!

@Rekisum: Yeah, the DFH1 sucks for my taste, it's too artificial... I used the DFH samples with FL Studio, and processed each sample (loaded about 120 samples manually) with individual compressor, reverb and eq settings. That's why it sounds averagely decent. Thanks for commenting!

@GuitarGodgt: I can't notice that lack of low frequencies, but you know, I mixed it with a pair of 10$ headphones :D, what can I expect then? :D:D
Thanks for the advice anyway ;)

@midget donkeys: Thanks! but I don't like that song too much hehe... I got tired of it...

I prefer this song: Forgotten Hopes.mp3

I think it sounds better and it's more catchy...

Thanks to everybody!
Best wishes.