Lost in Thought- Opus Arise (essential for the traditional prog fan)


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
They are being discussed in various related threads, but that is not getting them the publicity they deserve as result. Time to give them their own new thread.

This is one of the best traditional prog metal discs to come down the pipe in years. This is essential for fans of Circus Maximus and Seventh Wonder.

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It has the epic prog feel, but does the writing get complex to say the level of say Andromeda, or even Mind's Eye?
This is the strongest track I've heard from these guys so far today. I loved the part at around the 3:40 mark where the synthesizer solo with heavy guitar/drum built up to the somber vocal part. Cool moment.
Highly derivative but worth the $3.92 on emusic. Should tide Dream Theater/LaBrie fans over until the next one. Reminds me of that Lethal album from 1990 in relation to Queensryche's early days.
Very excellent stuff. Don't know why I didn't bother to take a listen until now, despite Milton shoving it in our faces. :lol: I will definitely be picking this up soon.
I think I have found my favorite guitar solo of the year thus far. It's warm, soaring, and you can just feel the emotion dripping in it. The keys accent it perfectly.

Check out the track "New Times Awaken" starting around the 3:30 mark till the end.
Absolutely love this disc. Heard 1 or 2 songs at first, and they didn't do much for me, I guess I wasn't in the mood. But about a week ago I was listening to Borealis's "Where We Started" in the BW&BK tracks player, and "Blood Red Diamond" came up next and I absolutely fell in love with it. Grabbed the album as quickly as possible and it's been in daily rotation ever since.
This thread is for Lost in Thought only. If you would like to bitch about other topics, then do it in the correct thread. Furthermore, if you want to bitch about the community, then go elsewhere please.