Lost In Thought to support Threshold in Derby

Lost in Thought were involved in a road accident while on tour with Delain and Serenity and have had to pull out of the rest of the tour.

Is there any news on whether they will be back ready to support Threshold yet?
It's probably too early to say, one of them needed surgery for leg fractures.

We wish them all a good recovery. As soon as we hear anything we'll let you know.
Best wishes to the band!

It appears it was Chris the drummer who had the worst injuries - leg fractures needing surgery - so probably out of action for a while. I guess it will just depend on the severity of the injuries.
Threshold set list from Derby

The Ravages of Time
Long Way Home
The Destruction of Words
Sanity's End
Falling Away
Ground Control (Acoustic)
The Art of Reason
This is your Life
Pilot in the Sky of Dreams
Mission Profile
One Degree Down
Light and Space

A good gig but there was a strange sound setup - right at the front you could not hear the guitars cos the speakers were
behind you - I found the best balance from about 10 feet back

Anyone who went to the show please tell us your story and it could be in the next issue of Beyond the Threshold Fan Club Webzine. It doesn't have to be long (although it can be) just your story.

And did anyone get a pic of the venue?

We'd also like pics of your setlists!!!
