LotRO - pretty cool


Living the dream!
Oct 8, 2002
Somewhere at 33,000'
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Yardley and I started playing Lord of the Rings Online since it went free to play. It's fun. However, we were hanging out in The Shire with our characters and there was another character who was a Hobbit minstrel. He was playing songs that were recognizable. It turns out that if you play a minstrel, you can create and play whatever song you like.

It's not great because lag causes synch problems, and it seems (from what I can tell) to work better on slower songs, but it's still damn cool. Also, the more players playing a song (again because of synch problems) the worse it sounds, but still...

Check this out:

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I haven't played LotRO in many months, but intend to in the next couple of weeks once I get my new machine built (parts should be arriving Monday/Tuesday). I was on the beta runs when the game was first released, and I have a lifetime membership.

If you and Yardley are up for some company we should definitely attempt some run some fellowship instances. Which server are you on? I've spent most of my time on Windfola. But I have a few starter characters on about three other servers. Also have a long-time old school D&D bud who's wanting to hook up with me now that he's on. We should all try running together from time to time. :D
Gladden - This server has the name of two important places in Middle-earth, Gladden Fields and Gladden River. Gladden Fields was once a place where hobbits lived and the place where Sméagol (or Gollum), and Déagol came from. Gladden River was the river where Isildur was ambushed and killed by Orcs.

and that's actually where I started, before moving over to Windfola to play with some Neverwinter Nights buds. I'm pretty certain I still have a dwarf (defender, maybe?) on Gladden.
I've been playing this off and on for the last year now. It's pretty fun. One thing it has going for it is that in general it doesn't have the immature 12 year, olds that you see in WOW. The bad part of it is that the server population seems to be low. I think they should get rid of some servers.
That's really cool! I'll definitely be checking it out! Stuff like that is why I love Second Life so much. You can most certainly have your avatars play music, in fact the music scene in SL is abundant! I joined in 2007 and it's made leaps and bounds of progress in the area of concurrent environments and in-world audio.

Thanks for sharing - I'm all excited to jump into it!