Lyrics I'm Messing With..


¯\(°_o)/¯ How Do Trigger?
Apr 29, 2010
"I Could Eat a Peach for Hours"

Verse: (?)
Your bitter sweet revenge is tainted by misdeeds
I consume thee by science
Trade flesh for flesh and eyes for eyes of the law
I replace you through lies

Spy through a brother and a mother of a son
Rot in the cage you lied to build
Move through men undetected by sight
Caught without knowledge of crime

Chorus: (?)
I wake from sleep, I steal your life,
I play cop as you rot with mine
Capture your glory and fame as you’re stuck
Within the face that binds

This is the first draft, I can't listen to any of the music I've written or anything just off the top of my head while I'm here at work.

Any thoughts?
It's a continuation of the first line.. "I steal your life, I play Cop, As you rot with Mine." I should probably change it to "And play cop..."

Waiting on someone to catch the references to the inspiration...

Mine refers to the theives life in prison, he has traded fates with the cop..

I could just change it to "in my stead"... it's not like i have a rhyme scheme to uphold, haha.

I wake from sleep; I steal your life;
I play cop as you die inside.
Fake your glory; Steal your fame;
You’re stuck behind the face that binds.

Changed it again, I used rot in the first verse, didn't like the repitition.
