MAGO de OZ in NYC!!!!

I was just looking at the Terminal 5 web site. They have a promo shot of the band up. Wow. Apparently there are more folks in Mago de Oz than in the Wu Tang Clan.

Yeah they've got something like 11 members or something between the basics (guitars, bass, drums, keys, vocals) and all the extras (flute, accordion, violin, female vocals, etc.) I can't wait for the show tonight.

In regards to this being the first folks have heard about the show ...
I have a bad feeling that Nick and I are going to be the only people there since the show/tour didn't seem to be really well promoted. (It looks like the only show on Terminal 5's website that isn't sold out which could be a bad sign.) I wonder if Mago will even come back to the states after this if the tour doesn't do well. They have such a big stage setup that they booked all these larger 9:30 Club/Terminal 5 size venues without thinking about if they could actually fill those venues with American fans. I'm not sure how big their following is in the US, but I didn't think it was that big and with poor promotion, that's not a good combination.

Hopefully, though, we will get there and be pleasantly surprised to see lots of other fans at the show. And hopefully the rest of the tour will do well so Mago de Oz can come back again soon. (Looks like there are two more US shows in Texas if you hail from that neck of the woods.) Then again there wasn't an enormous turn out for Grave Digger the other month and they are still planning a return to the states, so who knows.
Great show last night!

Can't post my pictures right now, since I'm at work, but I got some great ones (will post them when I get home tonight).

The venue was packed - probably not a sold out show, but not empty by a long shot. People were already lined up for the 7 pm door time when Nick and I got to NY at 5:30. I'm happy to say it looks like Mago de Oz will return to the US again.

I do think that Nick and I were probably 2 of the only 20 non-Hispanic people there, and probably 10 or 12 of those 20 people were the bouncers for the club. Even the DJ/MC spoke in Spanish, so Nick and I were pretty much lost the whole night as far as what was going on with the show. On the plus side for Nick, at least the bartenders spoke English.

We thought that we might get laughed at for being the only two people there singing two different sets of the wrong "Spanish" words to the songs so we found a great spot on the third floor balcony where we had a great view of the stage and was initially vacant. It didn't stay that way for long though. Thankfully the guys nears us (one from Argentina and one from somewhere in Central America) were really enthusiastic to see any American support for Mago de Oz and so they were high-fiving us, giving us the horns and laughing with us the whole night. They also taught Nick and me a little Spanish ("Una mas" = one more, "Otra" = again, encore).

I will say that the thing that was most surprising was that it seemed that even though there was an "opener" listed on the bill, Mago opted to open the show and play first, going on at 8 pm. (Which was fine by me, since I had to work today and that meant we arrived home in Baltimore at 1:30 am instead of 3:30 or 4 am.)

They played a two hour set consisting of about 14 or 15 songs and surprisingly did not play their one state-side single "La Costa de Silencio." Nick's more familiar with their catalog so he'll give a better set list review than I will.

Pictures coming tonight! :headbang:
Great show last night!

Can't post my pictures right now, since I'm at work, but I got some great ones (will post them when I get home tonight).

The venue was packed - probably not a sold out show, but not empty by a long shot. People were already lined up for the 7 pm door time when Nick and I got to NY at 5:30. I'm happy to say it looks like Mago de Oz will return to the US again.

I do think that Nick and I were probably 2 of the only 20 non-Hispanic people there, and probably 10 or 12 of those 20 people were the bouncers for the club. Even the DJ/MC spoke in Spanish, so Nick and I were pretty much lost the whole night as far as what was going on with the show. On the plus side for Nick, at least the bartenders spoke English.

We thought that we might get laughed at for being the only two people there singing two different sets of the wrong "Spanish" words to the songs so we found a great spot on the third floor balcony where we had a great view of the stage and was initially vacant. It didn't stay that way for long though. Thankfully the guys nears us (one from Argentina and one from somewhere in Central America) were really enthusiastic to see any American support for Mago de Oz and so they were high-fiving us, giving us the horns and laughing with us the whole night. They also taught Nick and me a little Spanish ("Una mas" = one more, "Otra" = again, encore).

I will say that the thing that was most surprising was that it seemed that even though there was an "opener" listed on the bill, Mago opted to open the show and play first, going on at 8 pm. (Which was fine by me, since I had to work today and that meant we arrived home in Baltimore at 1:30 am instead of 3:30 or 4 am.)

They played a two hour set consisting of about 14 or 15 songs and surprisingly did not play their one state-side single "La Costa de Silencio." Nick's more familiar with their catalog so he'll give a better set list review than I will.

Pictures coming tonight! :headbang:

I am envying you so much right now.
OK, finally, a few photos
I am envying you so much right now.
Envy away ...








The rest of the pics can be viewed in one of my MySpace albums.