Males and Females

I have been in love twice and it was not mutual. I was not even in a relationship either times. Not sure how that's possible, but I never want to expirience it ever again as long as I live. It was awful. I have not felt am emotion in almost 4 years. If anything feel am pretty lucky to hopefully never feel again.

Similar thoughts over here.
That's all it took? Having another person's feelings so drastically affect oneself in a negative way sounds retarded to me. Posts like yours are part of why I have an adversity to relationships.
Ye dirty shit hustler. One can't help it, when they have such a large emotional attachment, and feel love towards someone that isn't returned, to feel negative. I'm living it now, and it is a complete hell.

I'm ready to slice a fucker, and I don't care who it is.
Wow. No offense, but that sounds pathetic to me. I really hope I never end up thinking stuff like that.

I've thought I was in love before, but I never actually was. Hell, I never actually even liked a girl. I just wanted a companion. This one girl I met recently is different, but we'll see if it goes anywhere. I keep telling her I don't want to define anything and she seems to be hating the distance. Maybe if I meet her I'll understand that thing about being emotionally attached and unable to help it.
It's nice when you're both so totally gay and retarded for each other, and feel security and peace knowing the other is the same way.
Girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me over a guy she met online on New Years. She had only known him for 2 weeks at the time and claimed she loved him.

What's more bullshit than that?
I would say "the 2 years she spent telling you she cared about you" but that's salt in wounds. Sorry dude :( I hope the next lady you find treats you better
Girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me over a guy she met online on New Years. She had only known him for 2 weeks at the time and claimed she loved him.

What's more bullshit than that?

Letting this negatively affect other facets of your life.

As krampus said, being vulnerable is not a choice when you are in love. And when it's mutual, you won't want it any other way.

It's nice when you're both so totally gay and retarded for each other, and feel security and peace knowing the other is the same way.

No offense, but I'd feel stupid if I felt like this. I find no value in liking someone when part of the reason it's enjoyable is that they like me back.
I fucked up, I feel like I'm in high school all over again. Three weeks into my school here in France, I met this really cute girl who I "thought" liked me. We even hooked up twice, and tonight I was going to put it in, but she confessed she has developed feelings for this Spanish super model who is in our class as well. They've been flirting heavily since week 1, but I figured that I had the upper hand since I've had more intimate moments with this girl than the other guy (at least to the best of my knowledge). Well tonight I got shafted and I'm pissed as fuck about it. Since I'm going to school with 7 other people for 2 years, it means I'm gonna have to outsource heavily now. Kind of bummed about that.

Let a ho be a ho.
I wonder why generally intelligent people don't want to have kids, but the stupid ones breed like rabbits. Really, if you are intelligent, you should find ways to procreate with other like minded individuals while simultaneously finding ways to discourage those of lesser mental capacities to reproduce. It's for the greater good.
I wonder why generally intelligent people don't want to have kids, but the stupid ones breed like rabbits.

In my experience, more intelligent people are more intellectually driven than they are primally driven. I have to go to work soon, so I'll add more later, but basically, I think smarter people are less likely to end up with unwanted pregnancy, and more likely to want to maximize the time they have in their life for some kind of intellectual pursuit.
In my experience, more intelligent people are more intellectually driven than they are primally driven. I have to go to work soon, so I'll add more later, but basically, I think smarter people are less likely to end up with unwanted pregnancy, and more likely to want to maximize the time they have in their life for some kind of intellectual pursuit.

This. My girlfriend doesn't want children and she's way smarter than I am. She wants to be able to do all the shit she wants to do and kids make it way harder to do that.

I personally think kids are a big money pit and don't want any right now.