Matt Barlow (Ex. Iced Earth)


The Beast
Aug 30, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Not Saxon Related I Know!

As many of you are aware, Matt Barlow the former Singer in Iced Earth left the band to pursue a career in Law enforcement.

He is now employed as a police office in the state of Delaware. He is also now the lead signer in there police rock band that spread the "Anti Drug" message to the kiddies in the schools.

This is hilarious....Just click on the link to the band members!

Seriously! That is "the" Matt Barlow!
liama said:
Not Saxon Related I Know!

As many of you are aware, Matt Barlow the former Singer in Iced Earth left the band to pursue a career in Law enforcement.

He is now employed as a police office in the state of Delaware. He is also now the lead signer in there police rock band that spread the "Anti Drug" message to the kiddies in the schools.

This is hilarious....Just click on the link to the band members!

Seriously! That is "the" Matt Barlow![/QUOT

All right at least fingers and I thought it was funny!!!!!!!!!!!