Meet and greet scott for 40 bucks lol

I've never had a bad experience with Scott, but he is definitely the least sociable of the band. He's always been pretty nice, but quiet.
Good lord. What size venues is he doing for this? I just can’t see much of a demand outside of small coffee houses for something like this. Personally, I think Frank or Joey would be much more interesting and engaging. I’ve never met Scott in person, but from what I’ve read and heard, the guy needs to work on his social skills. I think the guy always had his eye set on something bigger than just being the guitarist in Anthrax, but it never panned out.

And this meet and greet stuff I find bizarre. I won’t rag on someone for paying for it, cause I get it, but man the band better make it worthwhile for them cause the one’s paying for that are the one’s buying the music, all the mech , and hitting all the shows they can.
I don't blame artists for finding other means to make money. I don't know how much Anthrax have relied on album sales to make money but I can't imagine much. As for meeting him backstage and having a bad experience, tough shit you little bitch. Musicians are humans. You can't expect him to go apeshit everytime a fan approaches him. He's bound to have mood swings ie missing home, missing sleep, perhaps slept in a funky position and his shoulder/neck hurts. Just don't wanna talk to anyone. Tough fkn shit if you caught him in a bad moment. Thank your lucky stars you're even in a position to meet anyone. Most fans don't get that. I bet there's some poor metalhead kid in a 3rd world country somewhere who would give his left nutsack to have Scott Ian tell him to go fuck off.
As for meeting him backstage and having a bad experience, tough shit you little bitch. Musicians are humans. You can't expect him to go apeshit everytime a fan approaches him. He's bound to have mood swings ie missing home, missing sleep, perhaps slept in a funky position and his shoulder/neck hurts. Just don't wanna talk to anyone. /QUOTE]

While I understand this and can sympathize to a degree, Scott has a 20+ year history of being a cantankerous bastard, socially. I know someone that met him after a show and was excited to tell him how he's influenced him as a musician, but Scott was just kind of a dick to him. It still bums me out when I hear stories about him or Charlie being like this since Anthrax has always been one of my favorite bands.
I see your point Alex but this no one off having a bad day here or there,countless fans have had bad exp with Scott,there is no excuse for being a prick,especially to a fan
The way I see it is how would you treat someone that paid or gave you $40.00? I think that article has been blown out of proportion a little though. Scott was right with his reply about paying for the tour and illegal downloading, he just could have phrased things a little differently because he did come off as a prick.
I have heard this a million times. It's really no coincidence that just about every band member he has ever worked with has either quit or gotten fired. Word on he streets is he is an a hole . 40 bucks for a meet and greet for the entire band on a huge festival tour would make some sense but a spoken word tour when it's just him talking is a bit too desperate .

But at the end of the day he's been part of some amazing albums and for that I think he has earned a bit of a right do do whatever he wants
Just think about charging 40 bucks so someone can meet you. Not a full band but just yourself. Thats gotta be the most narcissistic thing you could possibly do.
40 bucks is not the problem,id pay 100 if i had too,the problem is the fact that u know he aint really that keen to mix with the fans,its bad enough having a bad experience let alone paying extra to have .
I got shouted by my old guitar teacher for a special meet n greet with Joe Satriani. Was fantastic but then again Satch is one of the nicest and coolest guys on the planet. Such a humble and very generous man.

I try to give everyone the benefit of doubt and also a chance but Scott's got a pretty bad reputation that goes way, way back.
Read the article. Nothing it that any Anthrax fan doesn't already know. Like everyone I wish Scott would at-least pretend to be nicer to folks but fuck it. I guess I really don't care. I wouldn't pay $10 to meet any band. However, if I see a new band that is promising and nice to people I might spend $50 at their merchandise table. So nice guys might get my money. I wouldn't even pay to see Scott Ian's "talk tour". I mean what the fuck? Like anyone wants to listen to him complain about bullshit and tell us how cool he is.
i've met Scott a few times over the years at clubs in NYC and he was always friendly but distant friendly. the meet and greets seem like a great chance for people who might otherwise never meet their favorite band to get photos and vinyl signed. Scott's an excellent storyteller so I am hoping he does a US run of this tour. Scott is charging substantial $ for the m n g I hope he puts himself out there and makes it a full value experience for the fans. Other than that I think that would be problematic. I don't think Scott needs to be more friendly. He's himself. I am a fan of the band and Scott the musician and performer -- none of us know Scott the person. That's not his job. And feels like we're sliding into the weird world of celeb worship when we expect performers we admire to be "on the job" when they are off the stage.