Megadeth - United Abominations

New Megadeth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Ozzy

My cousin and I were talking and the main thing that gets a little old is the political messages. We get it! Does every song have to be political??? I actually REALLY like the new "A Tout Le Monde" I saw the video for it and really dug it.
Yeah I know who it is, Lacuna gave me a bad taste in my mouth after I saw them live the other night. Also, I get tired of the 'Im female RAWRRRR METAL' thing that goes on, and she is definitely trying to sport that image these days. So I preferred to just leave it as 'female vox' =)

They actually won me totally over as a fan after seeing them the other night in Knoxville. I've been riding the fence about them for about a year, before seeing them live. I think Christina is a tough little gal with great stage presence. :headbang:

Quick question: I'm planning on going to Best Buy today to get it before work. Are there any different stores out there doing a "Special Edition" of this album with any added tracks/different artwork or anything?

I wouldn't mind paying an extra buck or two for that...(that's the collector in me speaking)

Supposedly was having a deal where you if you bought the CD from them, you were to be given a link to DL an "exclusive" track. I saw this while pre-ordering the new Dream Theater via this link:

I ordered this the other day, but have not received any information on this except the confirmation/shipping of my order. There is no mention of the details of that offer if you follow it now...?
I will have to spin this.

My favorite Megadeath story is this. I saw then in a small club in Houston on their first tour. Exciter opened up. Anyway, some teen dude kept yelling for Metalica songs. He would scream "hit the lights" over and over again.

Well, Dave has had his fill of this guy finally and says to the guy...."I'll hit your your lights punk".

Ah......good times.
Supposedly was having a deal where you if you bought the CD from them, you were to be given a link to DL an "exclusive" track. I saw this while pre-ordering the new Dream Theater via this link:

I ordered this the other day, but have not received any information on this except the confirmation/shipping of my order. There is no mention of the details of that offer if you follow it now...?

Well to be completely honest I work for FYE and they'll do anything possible to get you to buy something from them, then screw you over later. On top of that we're selling the CD at FYE, and I went to Target and got the damn thing. I love the work I do (selling music), but I hate the way they do it. If you do by any chance get something though, it would be with/inside the CD itself.

and back to the topic

Im digging the new album, though I would say I enjoy System a little bit more.

Megadeth has to be in my top 5 favorite bands, even with any changes that the sound of Megadeth has gone through at any given time. Some people make it out to be the most horrible thing in the world of a band goes on to experiment and expand on other sounds. I assume I wouldn't be one of the few to respect that a band is brave/mature enough, depending on the situation, to make such a big leap and go against the grain or try something a little new. You don't get anywhere by doing the same things over and over again, and its not always selling out. Any change can be a type of progress whether its good, bad, ugly, or whatever else it might be considered by the fans. I love Rust in Peace, but in the same breath I love Cryptic Writings. Not exactly the same by any means, but still good music.

Im sure none of that was needed, but main point is I'll stick with Megadeth even if they start to suck. Doesn't mean they were never good in the first place.

that same argument doesn't work for Metallica however. :lol:
I can afford to be a hypocrite on that topic.
I think the album is pretty damn good. They've (or Dave) have gotten back on track a bit since last few albums.

A lot of people wrote off Risk, but there's good songwriting going on there even though the record company was pushing for that style of album and Dave caved in to it.

I've been a huge fan since high school and personally I'm still waiting for "Return to Devil's Island" to give me some much needed thrash-ness, but I've yet to be totally disappointed with any Megadeth album.
I feel like it's a solid disc for sure. It quinches my thirst for a veteran, American band to put out something solid that hails their classic sound. Kudos to Dave for rarely straying away from his thrash roots. :kickass:
