Mema wins!


Nov 19, 2005
In 81 years, Mema has had many highlights in her life. However, on her behalf, I'd like to thank Blacksmith along with Heaven and Hell Records for adding yet another.
Truly a great thing to see, very nice lady enjoying PP and walking away with a killer guitar. How cool is that? She'll probably be back next year whalin' away on it, kicking everyone's butt with some Vai/Beck/Malmsteen/Hendrix guitar licks. :Smokin:

Many thanx to Jeremy and Jamie at Heaven & Hell Records for bringing the Blacksmith guys in to hang out, and for putting the guitar raffle together. Maybe next year the winner can be announced and presented on stage between sets before the Sat. headliner.
Mema has asked me to thank Jeremy and Jamie from Heaven and Hell for making the highlite of her night. Also she thanks all the guys from Blacksmith and was honored to meet them and get the photos. She was truly humbled by the gifts. Heaven and Hell added in about $300.00 in free music too. That was really awesome guys!!!
AWESOME! And I never would have guessed she's 81...her great taste in music must be what keeps her looking fabulous!