Members without Avatars.

BloodyScalpel said:
I saw lanterns on my dreams once :guh:

"Are you ready for some wild sex Bisturi?!"

i c the point of this avatar but seriously if the member is important you would still recognize him.
as for sigs, some of em really long and big and its annoying to skip 'em all the time
Turbo said:
Putting words in peoples mouth is so immature, you should work on that. I respect your opinion about me, so you can respect my opinion about you. You are a fucking clown that no body really gives a shit about. Disappear.
haha let's see
for once, you fucked around with my quote too so don't lecture. secondly, you really didn't need to take it to this, it was all good natured jest; you should work on your sense of humor. thirdly, i never signed up for a personality contest so even if what you say is true, it's not relevant.

lastly....... haha your hat is stupid
i think a sig is more important.....i mean look at nick brookes when he joined, and heavenscent (among others)

Sigs and Avatars serve the same purpose thus meaning they are practically the same thing. They both give the poster some character and individuality.