Metal 2014

I love how this band came from absolutely nowhere and almost released the best album of the year. Amazing debut record.

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I can appreciate that they're going for the Atlas Moth sound, but by no means do they surpass that band.
Thanks for mentioning Atlas Moth, might check them out in that case. I'm not going to expect a clone or anything though, because Skein are older of the two
How can Skein be older than Atlas Moth if they debuted this year? Atlas Moth is 7 years old...

Edit: okay fine, theyre a phantom band that supposedly existed for 8 years before releasing anything.
Three EPs since 2005 is nothing phantom. I understand the confusion though, it was beyond me too how a Finnish metal band could go so under the radar for about half a decade. They caught my attention when I saw them live a couple of months ago.

Atlas Moth are pretty cool too, but sound nothing alike as I suspected (more melodic and less... Scandinavian).
That song was boring.

Maybe that's why no one noticed them. Also sounds like it should have been released about a decade ago when 'alternative metal' was still hip and trendy.