METAL INJECTION - metal videos and live footage


New Metal Member
Aug 7, 2003
Rochester, NY
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This week on METAL Injection, we have some great videos:

- Meshuggah's "New Millenium Cyanide Christ" - a MUST-SEE video for any metal fan
- Darkest Hour's Hilarious Video for "Oklahoma"
- Dark Tranquility's "The Wonders At Your Feet" LIVE!
- Lamb of God's "Ruin"
- Pantera with "Domination"

Plus, the Metal Injection crew gets half-naked to shoot an episode in the freezing cold!
You can watch the show RIGHT NOW on webstream at The stream will be up all this

Metal Injection also airs in Brooklyn on Friday Nights/Saturday Mornings at 3:00AM
Eastern on BCAT channel 67 (Cablevision) and 34 (Time Warner) in Brooklyn.

Here is a list of our upcoming episodes:

March 19th
- Lamb of God DVD Excerpts
- A rarely seen Dying Fetus video
- Videos from Primus, Fear Factory and more
- The first ever Metal Injection GROWL-OFF

March 26th
- Our Three Month Anniversary Spectacular

Apri 2nd
- April Fool's Edition of the show
- Interview/Live Footage of PsyOpus

So, don't forget! Friday Nights/Saturday Mornings at 3AM eastern starting January 3rd on
BCAT 67/34 and streaming on the web at ...SUPPORT THE SCENE AND WATCH
THE SHOW!! Or everybody will think you're a poser
Metal Injection
30 Minutes of Metal Vidoes
Fridays 3AM Eastern time