
I really can't remember who the icon is of.. I think it is artwork from some band's CD. A person at (my other obsession on the net) made it but I forgot where it came from :( Hell I wish it was me! haha! *winks at Wandrail* Thanks, hunnypie!

ZineScene: I'm not sure if I can afford it.. if I do go to one of the show on that tour it would probably be the Chicago one. Are you going to the St Andrews show for sure???

HAHAHAHA! Well, for my sake and your sake, I changed my user icon.

here's what it was:

I don't really like my new one, it makes my chin look funny at this size :rolleyes: Oh well, we can't all be hot like -- *stops, not wanting to compliment She Who's Name Shall Not Spoken*

Please, I have seen you quite up close and personal, and you know what I think ;). In all honesty you're more appealing than she ever was, although yes she was attractive in her way...-vomits- until you realize her soul is like a black hole, a vaccuum sucking in everything and destroying all. Agh. -Goes to a happy place, filled with Tammy and Blind Guardian and Woodchuck Cider-

Originally posted by sh0kr0k

ZineScene: I'm not sure if I can afford it.. if I do go to one of the show on that tour it would probably be the Chicago one. Are you going to the St Andrews show for sure???


I'm not 100% sure but i'd like to go. THe only thing is it's on a Thursday night where as the CHicago show is Saturday. At least I wouldn't have to get up early for work on Sunday. Email me @ if you want to meet up at the show.

Originally posted by zinescene
I'm not 100% sure but i'd like to go. THe only thing is it's on a Thursday night where as the CHicago show is Saturday. At least I wouldn't have to get up early for work on Sunday. Email me @ if you want to meet up at the show.

Yeah that's a good point! I think that the St Andrew's show is out of the question for my crew & I (same crew that went to PP3 and then some!) I'll definately let ya know if we do end up going! We certainly have to meet up and hang out :D

Originally posted by Wandrail
Please, I have seen you quite up close and personal, and you know what I think ;). In all honesty you're more appealing than she ever was, although yes she was attractive in her way...-vomits- until you realize her soul is like a black hole, a vaccuum sucking in everything and destroying all. Agh. -Goes to a happy place, filled with Tammy and Blind Guardian and Woodchuck Cider-

*goes to happy place too.. smiles at the alien drum bunny carrying his death carrot* I know hun.. and you know how much I appreciate it ;) *cuddles up in your arms and drifts into happy place* What were we talking about again?? Ah, it doesn't matter :)

Dammit, why can't Blind Guardian and SX play somewhere in the south, argh. Ineed to see Blind Guardian again. If you do see them, are you planning on getting some more pictures? Thats the one thing missing from PP3 for me, I had no camera, so no BG pictures =/.

I still haven't developed my PP3 pics yet.. not enough $$ to do it right. Last time I tried to develop film at the cheapest rate, I lost an entire roll of film and the rest of them turned out too dark and had spots. I guess you get what you pay for, unfortunately. Next year - digital camera!

I doubt I'll be going to see BG again.. though I would simply KILL to see SX too!!! *grumbles* I can't go to Trans-Siberian Orchestra this Wednesday either :( Oh well.. PP3 was plenty for me, but it raised the bar and now I can't seem to enjoy shows of a lesser caliber. Oi!

~Sh0k~ </rambling>