Metallica = Miley Cirus? (ticket price rant)

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
I saw that Gojira and Volbeat were added to the upcoming Metallica tour of North America. Pretty cool, I dig all bands involved. Curious as to how much tickets cost, I went to Ticketmaster where they're sold. Tickets for the upper bowl at Phillips Arena for Metallica are $73.50 plus that stupid "convenience charge." Staying on Ticketmaster, I saw that they were advertising Miley Cyrus concerts as well. I wanted to compare ticket prices, thinking that if Metallica, a band far past its stadium prime, tickets were in the mid 70s, then Miley Cyrus tickets must be around 100. Nope. MC tickets were about 79.50, only a few dollars more than Metallica.

What the fuck? Is Metallica just as popular in demand as Miley Cyrus? How many fans do they still have? Is it because of these fans that they still play "Enter Sandman" and "Nothing Else Matters" live? Fuck all that. Give me some House of Blues-esque club dates, Metallica! That would be fucking cool, and hopefully much less expensive. As long as 'tallica concerts cost about as much as the average pop star, I'm gonna have to say no thanks.

What say you forum?
Well I think it also has to do with stage show also and crew's wages. Do I agree with it? Fuck no. I am glad to see that Gojira and Volbeat are opening since they are guaranteed to come out of this with a huge number of new fans particularly Volbeat.
I would love to see Gojira twice in a year! However, I don't want to pay 70 dollars for it. (I don't even know if the dates Gojira is on the tour are for the Bay Area).
$25 or more is too much to spend on almost any show. I'd only spend more on a festival.

I pretty much agree completely.....although I gotta say, the $45 or so I spent on TSO tickets last year wasn't unreasonable, considering the elaborate production and very sizeable touring complement.
$25 or more is too much to spend on almost any show. I'd only spend more on a festival.

Nailz, that's pretty much my thoughts as well, though I have been known to make an exception or two. I paid in the $70 range for the Masters of Metal Tour last summer and I'd pay a butt load to see Maiden up close and personal as well. Otherwise, you and I agree.

Metallica still sells. I checked out the tour dates to see if Volbeat was playing at their stop in Albany and many dates were sold out. I'm sure if they couldn't sell, you'd see prices drop. On top of this, there's plenty of money to be made from scalpers selling GA tickets for 3x the ticket price.
I have a feeling that some of the tours this year have not been selling well though. Like the Creed reunion. Livenation has not been doing those sales for certain tours out of the kindness of their own heart. There's plenty of tickets available to the Metallica show in my area but Volbeat would be the main reason I'd go and I just saw them standing 10 feet away. I don't think I can warrant spending 3x the price to hear them from 100 ft away. I've honestly never been a huge Metallica fan. I'll just view this as an awesome chance for them to build a fanbase and come back in a few more months as a headliner/co-headliner at smaller venues.

Sadly, I think I might be paying this much to see Lady Gaga & Kanye West (yes, I just wrote that).
What the fuck? Is Metallica just as popular in demand as Miley Cyrus? How many fans do they still have? Is it because of these fans that they still play "Enter Sandman" and "Nothing Else Matters" live?
I think you're trying to gauge their popularity through your perspective within the Metal scene. However, this scene isn't their bread and butter and it hasn't been in decades. Once they released "The Black" album, the majority of their fans were FM radio listeners who are just as likely to listen to Miley Cirus. The fact of the matter is, you don't sell 15 million CDs (The Black album) in the U.S. without crossing over and geting Pop fans to buy your discs. And it's these same people, the ones who buy what radio and MTV convince them are hip, who buy these tickets. Seriously, what percentage of people at a Metallica show are familiar with Iced Earth, Symphony X, Blind Guardian, Nevermore, Opeth? 5%? Less?

I pretty much agree completely.....although I gotta say, the $45 or so I spent on TSO tickets last year wasn't unreasonable, considering the elaborate production and very sizeable touring complement.

Honestly, something like TSO I wouldn't consider a typical concert. I'd consider it more of a symphony, or a play, or some such. I would definitely drop good money to see something like that, the same applies for something special, like for example, if Metallica toured symphony halls to recreate S&M.
$25 or more is too much to spend on almost any show. I'd only spend more on a festival.

I would agree that more than $25 is too much to spend on a club show. For a big production arena show I know that it's going to be at least $75, and that's fine.

Tori Amos tickets for her upcoming show cost me about $75 each, but I sure it will be worth it.
Another thread of somebody complaining about either ticketmaster, or the lack of concerts in this or that area. :lol:

How can you sit and say to me that you expect Metallica to play for an underground/smaller audience in a club, dude? Seriously, Metallica is not just another thrash metal band. They still have more fans than Miley Cyrus will EVER HAVE! IT'S FUCKING METALLICA, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! What the hell do you expect?? A Metallica show for 3 thousand people at $30 bucks? Yeah, maybe if you were in 1987.

That being said, I'd love to see Volbeat again. Don't care to see Metallica at all, and I've seen Gojira, they're a great band live. Will I go to this tour? Hell no.
IT'S FUCKING METALLICA, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! What the hell do you expect?? A Metallica show for 3 thousand people at $30 bucks? Yeah, maybe if you were in 1987.

Thank you.
There are over 100 people who tour with Metallica to put on their production. Guess what? Each one needs to get paid!
A large production show is going to cost money.
Also, keep in mind that the venues Metallica are playing obviously cost the promoters a LOT more to rent out for the evening than an underground club.

Would it be great if Metallica played 1000 capacity clubs for $25?

Though I have to tell you.
At least here in Chicago, most touring power metal bands are charging more in the $30 to $35 range themselves these days.

Yeah, sure, sometimes the ticket prices suck.
Though hell. If it's something you really want to go to and see, you will be willing to pay the price.