Metallica or Megadeth


Apr 25, 2008
San Francisco
I know this is kinda random, but I was listening to my iPod and I noticed that everytime a Metallica song came up, I pressed skip, but every time a Megadeth song came up, I really enjoyed it.

So I was wondering which band you guys (and gals) prefer and why? I can't really put a finger on why exactly I prefer Megadeth over Metallica. Maybe somebody will be able to give some good insight.
man i should really just save my response so every couple weeks when someone asks me this again i can just copy paste. :)

well lets see. out of all of metallica's albums...i only like 4, but i like the whole thing.
for megadeth, i like every album...but usually only about half the songs on it.
so its pretty even.
What a joke; Megadeth by a landslide! Like comparing a well oiled machine to a broken down rig. And didn't Dave Mustaine write the material for Shitallica in their hey day?
I'm quite surprised from the results, especially since Metallica gets all the fame and media attention (however, media attention and quality of music rarely go hand in hand). After listening to the bands again for a while, I actually like Mustaine's voice a lot better. Something about the sound is just cool...
I ran into an elementary/middle school friend of mine, that I had not seen for a good 13 years or more. As usual, I was sporting a metal shirt. One of the first things out of his mouth was "So you still listen to nothing but Megadeth?" :lol:

I had to inform him that I have broadened my horizon, but that they have not fallen by the wayside.
I'll say Megadeth and here's why. I actually like Metallica's 80's material better, but during the 90's the band destroyed any credibility with any "true" metal fans that they had. Megadeth, not so much so. Eventhough they experimented on albums such as Cryptic Writings and Risk, the material was still strong in my opinion. With that said, Megadeth have returned to their "metal" roots as of late, while Metallica still remains on the fringes. I do enjoy Death Magnetic, but that's not enough to over ride my enjoyment of Mustaine and company. :kickass:

Entire body of work? Megadeth. Current state? Megadeth. However, I don't think anything Dave has done is even on the same planet as Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets.

Rust in Peace does match those masterpieces to me though. It's just that, overall, the first 4 Metallica albums are better than the first 4 Megadeth albums.
thats true i like metallica more than megadeth i like more the solo's the bas ... lars ulrich ... but megadeth is good to they are evenly matcht
Entire body of work? Megadeth. Current state? Megadeth. However, I don't think anything Dave has done is even on the same planet as Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets.


Interesting comment as Dave helped write some of the songs on RTL ( I know he's only credited for "Ride the Lightning" & "The Call of Ktulu") but he supposedly contributed to more than that. An old drummer friend of mine back in 1989 had a double LP of RIDE THE LIGHTNING", the first LP was the standard issue album, the second LP was demos of all the songs with Mustaine on guitar... very different sounding album. My friend, not knowing the monetary value of the LP sold it for $20 :cry:

But for my money it's Megadeth every day of the week!
Metallica for me, even with their current trend going places I don't care for (I do like the new one, however). I'm with Zod - Lightning and Puppets are so damn good, that carries it for me. I'm also a fan of the black album. With that being said, Mustaine is a great songwriter and musician, but his voice sounds like he's breathing helium, which is the opposite of metal sounding to me.

Oh yeah - that pic of Lars - at least he's got some hair!!

Chris :headbang: