Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax - Big Four US Tour Dates coming

Ok, I will make it short and sweet.
For the past 10 years, no one has given a rat's ass about any of these bands performing their own gigs. Ok, maybe Slayer and Megadeth, but only slightly.

The fact that Metallica can sell out any city, anywhere in the world they go kinda invalidates your point. Slayer and Megadeth draw well all over the world also. Anthrax would be only band who isn't really relevant at this time. I've never seen Anthrax so I would like to see them although I'm sure they were better back in their prime. The other three bands all put on great live shows and I would expect no less this time around. There's going to be incentive for each band to try and blow the others off the stage.
Jason, just cause you don't go to shows doesn't mean no one cares about them. ;)

Jose - I have seen all 4 bands multiple times in the past 10 years actually.

Of course MILLIONS of people have seen these bands.

I am speaking though of the underground metal community.
Prior to the whole "BIG 4" thing, going to see any of these three bands was not the most hip thing to the underground scene.

This show is definitely cool for people who haven't gone to see these bands in recent years, as you can kill 4 birds with one stone.
I missed the Sanctuary show but I could have sworn the concert you are referring to was Metal Church/Helloween/Anthrax...and I was at that one! Classic indeed. So many years and beers ago, it's difficult keeping all the shows I have seen from morphing into one big

Nope, it was the Headbangers Ball tour - Anthrax / Helloween / Exodus.

The prior package tour Helloween was on was the HELL ON WHEELS TOUR, with GRIM REAPER / ARMORED SAINT / HELLOWEEN (Not 100% positive on the running order of the bands).
That's an awesome and diverse lineup. Jealous.

Danzig's second show ever as a band.
It was so new, the band was practically still called SAMHAIN.

Trouble got boo'd off stage!!!

I don't think Slayer fans today have a remote clue as to what a Slayer gig was like back in the day. I am not trying to pull "old school" rank here or anything. Slayer gigs were the most violent. Even moreso than the most violent skinhead gig you could imagine.
I am speaking though of the underground metal community.
Prior to the whole "BIG 4" thing, going to see any of these three bands was not the most hip thing to the underground scene.

Since when is it hip in the underground scene to do so now?
Except for millions of people.

Anyways, I will probably try to go to this but if I can't get tickets to it then I won't lose any sleep. Could be cool to go to just to say I did it but ultimately it has massive suckage potential since all 4 of these bands are way past their prime and haven't put out good albums in forever.

When I saw Slayer,Anthrax,and Megadeth in Georgia a couple of months ago I was impressed with Joey Belladonna.I've never seen them live and wasn't really interested in them with him as I prefer Jon Bush but I thought he actually sounded great.I love Megadeth's last 2 albums,but they played Rust In Peace and Dave sounded AWFUL.I don't know if something was wrong with him or it's as u say,past the prime.Slayer was my fave of the show.But that's because Seasons is my fave album.South of Heaven second.I'm not much for the Raining Blood stuff,too thrashy for me.As much as I've always wanted to see Metallica,I agree with u.If the tickets are there at the right time,I may try to go,but if not no big deal
When I saw Slayer,Anthrax,and Megadeth in Georgia a couple of months ago I was impressed with Joey Belladonna.I've never seen them live and wasn't really interested in them with him as I prefer Jon Bush but I thought he actually sounded great.

When Joey first came back to Anthrax they played 2 sold out shows at the House of Blues in Chicago, that was the first time I saw them and they were just incredible live. The crowd was absolutely insane. I liked them with Bush too and We've Come for you all was a highly underrated album IMO.

I love Megadeth's last 2 albums,but they played Rust In Peace and Dave sounded AWFUL.I don't know if something was wrong with him or it's as u say,past the prime.

Yeah Dave's hit or miss but even when he;s a hit he still can't sing that well haha.
When Joey first came back to Anthrax they played 2 sold out shows at the House of Blues in Chicago, that was the first time I saw them and they were just incredible live. The crowd was absolutely insane. I liked them with Bush too and We've Come for you all was a highly underrated album IMO.

I was at that gig too, the first night.
The whole band was good, except for Dan Spitz, since he didn't want to do it in the first place, and it showed. He walked off stage for like 2 songs in the beginning of the set. The crowd did go nuts.

They could have become a powerhouse again if they did it right, and avoided all the drama, though that's easier said than done.

While I don't care for recorded Thrax with Bush, I think he did a good job the one time I did actually see them with him fronting them.

You have to understand Jose - Anthrax back in the day were to me what Maiden is to you. I was fanatical. I was a collector. At one point I think I had every single vinyl release of theirs (Import singles, EPs, etc). I probably had like 10 shirts of theirs. They were the perfect transition band between thrash metal and hardcore for me, which I got heavily into towards the end of the 80s.

I am EXTREMELY critical of every move Anthrax makes, because of this. Well, not so much anymore, as I simply don't care anymore.
Since when is it hip in the underground scene to do so now?

I have seen lots of haters of all 4 bands all of a sudden blowing loads over this show. I guess I just personally don't get excited over the fact that these 4 bands are all together.

I am more curious about the venue for this than anything.

As Jose said, in Chicago maybe Toyota Park (Not that I know how much it holds)

Who knows? Maybe Wrigley Field!!! Metallica / Guns had a date there originally, until the Tribune realize what the hell is was they booked. :)
I agree with you by and large. I mean, I think it's way overhyped. Perhaps you also have a point too since Metallica has been having hip bands like Baroness and The Sword open for them lately, so maybe the hipsters think this big 4 thing is cool? Who knows.
Since when is it hip in the underground scene to do so now?

Since today. Yesterday, "the underground metal scene" was defined by Jason as three dudes he heard say the Big 4 aren't all that. Today, it's defined as three different dudes who he heard say they might go.


I'm just glad there's someone here to expose such blatant hypocrisy. This thread was utterly overrun with post after post after post of blatant Big 4 dick sucking, it was sickening!

Replace any one of the bands (aside from Megadeth) with Testament and I might be more interested in it.
I agree with you by and large. I mean, I think it's way overhyped. Perhaps you also have a point too since Metallica has been having hip bands like Baroness and The Sword open for them lately, so maybe the hipsters think this big 4 thing is cool? Who knows.

How much do you wanna bet Metallica will have slight hipster and djent influences in their new material? :lol: