Michael Kiske new chapter!!!!!!!!! Again


May 8, 2003
In a recent interview with Dutch webzine Lords Of Metal, former HELLOWEEN frontman Michael Kiske was put on the spot, asking to clarify why he claims not be interested in metal yet continues to contribute to metal productions. The following is a brief excerpt:

Lords Of Metal: Is your departure away from metal a sign of you coming of age?

Kiske: "It's rather a case of opening your eyes. Metal in general is filled with a lot of negativity that I feel is destructive for the listener as well as the artist. A lot of people in the metal scene cultivate antisocial behaviour and act as if a lack of decency towards other people is a virtue. Being heartless seems to be a strength. It is just so inhumane, so crude. I am a positive person who tries to treat people with respect. This decency does not mix with the attitude of a lot of people in the scene. In the recent years we have seen an uprise of black metal, a scene which holds a lot of people who are truly sick in the head. Some of those Satanist musicians are just plain idiots who have a complete lack of a human soul which is sickening. This the metal scene is very naïve, even after twenty years."

Lorsd Of Metal: Now you are generalising. EDGUY and AINA weren't what you described.

Kiske: "Particularly Edguy does not fit in my life. It is true those guys are not evil, but they are naïve, making the same mistakes Helloween did at the time. The reason why I recorded a recent song for their last cd is because I liked the lyrics, in which Toby attacks certain journalists who always pigeonhole artists, which is a theme I can relate to. But to be totally honest I did not even like the beginning of the song, not the end. It was the QUEEN-ish part that attracted my attention. Aina is a completely different story, though. It is a fairytale put on music. It has nothing to do with metal, except that it is made by people who are part of the metal scene. But I understand that this can be confusing to some."

Lords Of Metal: Why do you keep on participating on rock and metal projects, then, if you know that it confuses your audience?

Kiske: "First of all I know that it is confusing, even to me. I am a complex person that is not easy to understand. But I realise that I need to take a step back. Now that I have done the Edguy-song, I will never do metal again."

Lords Of Metal: You told me the exact same thing three years ago in an interview. Yet you still did Edguy and TRIBUZY.

Kiske: "I did? Ehr... Perhaps I did. Any musician who searches for his truth will always find twists and turns on his path. I guess this current feeling is not the last time I will journey away from metal only to come back. I mean, when I do something it will always have the tag 'metal' attached to it, simply because I am still tied to that audience. Being an artist is to me about moving forward and backward between feelings and ideas in an attempt to find yourself in your art. It is not easy to find out where you are as an artist, and sometimes you just do something and see how it turns out in six months time. Of course I am not blind for the past, I just do not want to do anything to violent or brutal."

At least he is doing some things!!!!

Kiske says:

"Metal in general is filled with a lot of negativity that I feel is destructive for the listener as well as the artist. A lot of people in the metal scene cultivate antisocial behaviour and act as if a lack of decency towards other people is a virtue. Being heartless seems to be a strength. It is just so inhumane, so crude. I am a positive person who tries to treat people with respect."

Then, Kiske says:

"The reason why I recorded a recent song for their last cd is because I liked the lyrics, in which Toby attacks certain journalists who always pigeonhole artists, which is a theme I can relate to."

I've had it with this idiot. I don't care if he WAS one of the progenitors of today's power metal... he's a fruitcake, and a hypocrit, in my eyes. And he's overrated as a vocalist.
Kiske has been an asshole since 1993 (or whenever that Chameleon disc came out) and anyone who disagrees is ALSO an asshole. Fuck him and fuck those Kiske defenders!!!
Pathetic, is not the word i would use, Does BRAINDEAD ring a bell. I have never like him, and he was the main reason that Grapow, Uli left Helleween, and there were also major diagreements between Kishe and Kai, you do the math. Kai is a far better vocalist than Kishe ever dreamed of. in fact he has nightmares not dreams.
peavy_fan said:
Kiske: "It's rather a case of opening your eyes. Metal in general is filled with a lot of negativity that I feel is destructive for the listener as well as the artist. A lot of people in the metal scene cultivate antisocial behaviour and act as if a lack of decency towards other people is a virtue. Being heartless seems to be a strength. It is just so inhumane, so crude. I am a positive person who tries to treat people with respect. This decency does not mix with the attitude of a lot of people in the scene."

Boy that infuriates me. His generalizing comments may apply to some bands, but overall, metal is the most affirming, positive music I listen to. Furthermore, the vast majority of the metal bands I've met are friendly, gracious, and full of life.

I was a big Helloween fan back in the day, and I'll still listen to those early classics, but I'll be sour on them for some time to come.
Pyramaze51 said:
Pathetic, is not the word i would use, Does BRAINDEAD ring a bell. I have never like him, and he was the main reason that Grapow, Uli left Helleween, and there were also major diagreements between Kishe and Kai, you do the math. Kai is a far better vocalist than Kishe ever dreamed of. in fact he has nightmares not dreams.

I dont think Kiske had anything to do with Uli and Grapow leaving, that was mr.Kai-Hansen-left-me-the-band-even-though-i-suck, Mr. Weikath.

face it, helloween's best songs, post-hansen, were written by everyone BUT weikath.
He just said in a recent interview that he would sing for Helloween at a Wacken performance. I would love to know who this guys drug dealer is, he's got him on some good shit.
I don't know him well, but in this instance he sounds like he's stupid and doesn't know what he's talking about.
nightwish58 said:
Kiske is the man no matter how ridiculous he sounds. As long as he sings, I will be a fan; I could care less what he says.

I agree...I pretty much snatch up everything he does...just hearing him brings a big cheesy grin to my face...

Hell, I even thought Supared was good...

In regards to his recent interviews and statements...though...I think he must be a moron.

Rock on!
Regardless, if Glenn could get him to sing with Helloween at prog power, I'd be willing to watch a guy who spanked nearly all the other metal vocalists back in the day when he was only 17 years old performing in the band who basically invented the modern rendition of power metal to which all other bands in the genre these days is using as the bible. I think his problem is he was much too young and got into a real big game with the music industry which has left him quite jaded and disillusioned with the entire "metal" scene.
TBJ said:
face it, helloween's best songs, post-hansen, were written by everyone BUT weikath.

I respectfully disagree. "Midnight Sun", "Kings Will Be Kings", "The Time of the Oath" (co-written w/ Deris) are just a few of Helloween's best post-Hansen songs written by Weikath.
Negativity in metal ?! Mr. Kiske should hang out at progpower to see how much of a negative vibe he would feel. There is absolutely nothing negative with anything like prog power. I have been going to PP for four years and have not seen anything negative about it. It is a bunch of great people just trying to have a good time as a big unit.
Force10 said:
I respectfully disagree. "Midnight Sun", "Kings Will Be Kings", "The Time of the Oath" (co-written w/ Deris) are just a few of Helloween's best post-Hansen songs written by Weikath.

I love "Midnight Sun" too.
However two of my very favorites: "Mirror Mirror" and "Escalation 666" are not writin by Weikath.

Dr.Caligari said:
Negativity in metal ?! Mr. Kiske should hang out at progpower to see how much of a negative vibe he would feel. There is absolutely nothing negative with anything like prog power. I have been going to PP for four years and have not seen anything negative about it. It is a bunch of great people just trying to have a good time as a big unit.


Incidentally, I love your screen name.
Dr.Caligari said:
Negativity in metal ?! Mr. Kiske should hang out at progpower to see how much of a negative vibe he would feel. There is absolutely nothing negative with anything like prog power. I have been going to PP for four years and have not seen anything negative about it. It is a bunch of great people just trying to have a good time as a big unit.

maybe he's referring to black or death metal, still, it is very stupid of him to generalize metalheads, makes him look like a republican:devil: