Michele Luppi no longer singing in Vision Divine


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Sep 16, 2006
Charleston AFB, SC
From Brave Words...

Michele Luppi No Longer Singing With VISION DIVINE
Posted on Monday, April 28, 2008 at 14:08:25 EST

Italy's VISION DIVINE, featuring former LABYRINTH mastermind Olaf Thörsen, have issued the following statement:

"Michele Luppi is no longer singing with Vision Divine.

Beside any speculation which could be done regarding the truth behind all this, we simply believe it was the right time to both make the right choice.

We wish Michele all the best with his future and we thank him for the great time we had together."

In an update, the band state, "Any scheduled activity will be accomplished, and there won’t be any delay in our plans.

The new singer will be announced on May 1st .

Please stay tuned for more news in the forthcoming days."

Wow, not sure what to say. He's an amazing singer and they're an amazing band. Hope it all works out...
Aw come on now, I'm sure you'll find it to be the album of the year!

LOL it was one of the worse albums I've ever heard in my life...

"...'Cause we are having fun toniiiiiiiiiiteee.... and we're gonna hooooold it tiiiiightttt...."

Very suggestive...
I liked his work with Vision Divine, but I can't say this comes as a big surprise. Luppi was never the most "metal" guy around, and this has happened before with other bands who had vocalists who weren't that into metal... their interests gradually move in other directions.
This blows. I loved Luppi's voice on cd and live, which now even more luckily we got to see at PP. I'm sure they'll find an adequate replacement but I doubt it will be someone as good as Luppi.

Regardless of the reasons for his departure, this shit just really turns me off to a band. It just becomes impossible to invest any emotional interest in a (metal)band these days. Sure, someone can chime in and remind us all how often these things happen but it just gets old.
This blows. I loved Luppi's voice on cd and live, which now even more luckily we got to see at PP. I'm sure they'll find an adequate replacement but I doubt it will be someone as good as Luppi.

Regardless of the reasons for his departure, this shit just really turns me off to a band. It just becomes impossible to invest any emotional interest in a (metal)band these days. Sure, someone can chime in and remind us all how often these things happen but it just gets old.

I don't know man... if lineup changes are this much of a problem for you, you probably should avoid metal entirely! :heh: :heh:
Yeah what a bummer. I love Hard Rock but wasnt fond of Luppi's solo CD at all. I hope he makes a record with Alex DeRossi. That dude is so underated.