Miles Beyond and Mozart??!?


Miles Beyond STAFF
May 2, 2005
Miles Beyond guitarist Paulo names Mozart and Beethoven as influences. This is what he had to say on the matter: "I love Mozart. I love his music, I love him as a character. I have studied his music, but I refuse to study him too much for fear of becoming a clone as so many guitarists become Yngwie clones." When asked about the band's comparison to Iron Maiden he had this to say: "I never even listened to Maiden before I wrote my portion of the songs on the album, so I could not have been influenced...besides power metal bands are becoming very similar to each other, so I guess I would rather be compared to a legendary band than to all the bands." Miles Beyond is playing the Headbangers Open Air festival in Germany this July. They will also be playing with 3 Inches of Blood at the Machine Shop in Flint Michigan on July 29th. For more info visit