Mobile Phone users should show some respect


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
I was on a bus yesterday, as were a few old ladies and children.

I thought it was disgraceful that a girl was on her mobile phone talking about her sexual encounters, which everyone could hear. She was shouting something like "I had sex with him last night and it was really good".

That kind of talk is what's censored on tv during childrens TV time. To read things like that you'd have to buy an adult magazine, so why should children be exposed to that kind of dirty talk?

The girl could also have shown some respect for the elderly - who were around in an age where sex wasn't talked about as openly as it is today among YOUNG people.

This is just another example of some of the negative effects associated with this mobile phone culture. When on a phone people seem to lose their identity to the phone and become unaware that everyone else can hear.

Have you witnessed any similar incidents? Discuss.
That's exactly what I think, too. I would NEVER a) talk about such private things on my mobile phone and b)do that in private. so double shame on this girl.... well acutally I witnessed a similar incident few days ago when I went riding with a friend of mine and in the stable there was a girl talking to a friend of hers giving her some advice how she should behave towards the guy she would be meeting after the talk, so she would be able to fuck him that night.
^ unfortunately because you get people like those profanity talked about there has got to be some sort of censor dont you agree noble viking?

fuck this is so ironic your name being noble viking

anyway if you did not mean it like i interpreted no worries and sorry.

I had this weird guy chat about all kinds of shit on the bus realy loud for about 20min on his mobile. How do you get to be so fucking full of yourself that you just dont give a fuck about others? I bet he thought he was realy cool aswell while everybody around him had frowns and looks of disgust as he laughed so loud. I would like to fuck him out of the bus but then id be going down to his level so i just sit put and mind my own :(
^ Hey, my nick is just a dumb nick just like yours. It's not like you've made a pact with death either so WTF? And I am serious, I mean there's hardly anyone here in the states that speaks that loud on the phone, but I guess if two people from England agree that's there's a problem with people on the phone inside buses, you people know the problems in your country first hand better than I would. I just never seen this problem over here and to me it sounded like Profanity was trying to be as Nazi as a Christian. "Ohhh, the poor children and old ladies".....Seriously I wouldn't have gived a fuck; I would've just ignored it.
god dude... people and their godamn cellphones piss me off to no fucking end. assholes that take them into movie theaters drive me insane, they'll go off in the middle of the movie... and you would expect anybody who has any common courtesy to just shut it off and not answear it... but no.. they NEVER do, instead they pick it up, and to be heard over the volume of the movie they have to yell... so now you're trying to watch a movie with some douchebag yelling behind you, and you want to turn around and strangle the shit out of that person. Or buttholes that have their phones with them in class, and they go off while i'm trying to do something productive with my brain... instead they choose to interupt me from doing anything that might somewhat benefit me. Or if your out in public and you have to listn to some asshole yelling (not talking... because even with modern technological advances we still have to yell into our phones to be heard) to his wife/girlfriend/friend/roomate as to what they need to buy at the store, or what they did last night, or what they're doing at the moment and you dont want to hear that shit. I too have heard people talking about their sexual incounters over their phone... and that shit makes me laugh... because now the whole world knows how much of a whore that person is.

fuck cell phones.
i love talking on the phone with a lot of people around, i make sure to say some extra fucked up shit... i also like going to nice restaurants with my mom when i'm home in texas, cause its fun to be all kinds of loud and say abnoxious things and embarrass her haha