Monika has left Atrox,eh?


blunt fanfare trauma
Oct 24, 2003
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If this news is true, then it's not very good news for that band. I read this at , so I'm guessing it's legit. I could have read an interview with her at, but I don't speak or read norsk, so I was pretty much left in a bit of confusion. But I found her website so maybe there is a bit of information there. Maybe she will respond to this thread of mine about the issue, or perhaps Emi will. and perhaps not....


It is in fact true! Monika also already mentioned it on her own website (in the section about Atrox/Tactile Gemma/Swarmling). I really wonder why it hasn´t been mentioned neither on the official Atrox-website nor on the code666-forum yet, because Monika already told me about it about two weeks ago.

Well, certain people - especially the guy at Royal Carnage who reviewed "Orgasm" - will be very pleased to read this news. As for me, Monika is the main reason why I love "Terrestrials" and "Orgasm" so much, so when she told me she had left Atrox I was really shocked at first, but she will continue to make music, so she´s not totally gone. I doubt that Atrox would find another female singer who sings, paints and writes lyrics like Monika does! So if they should really continue with a male singer (I´m not sure whether this is really true), it´s probably the best decision for a new start. However, I´m not sure if I´ll buy the next Atrox album. I mean, I liked the music on "Terrestrials" and "Orgasm", but nowadays I generally prefer female vocalists and I´m not sure whether I would have bought the last three Atrox albums if they had featured only or mostly male vocals. (I have avoided buying their first album, because I don´t like the male vocals on it and the music isn´t that interesting either.)

P.S.: Rødingen rules!
Hmmm, I think it is snout poop, Torstein... It's a new genre, not so different from snot pop or pop generally...

So... yes, it's right that Atrox has got a new singer. Hmmm, I don't know if he's an official member, but he'll sing on their gig March 20th in Trondheim as support for Katatonia. His voice is somewhat similar to Pete's (who sings on "Orgasm" and in Anti-Depressive Delivery)...

I will continue making music with Swarmling - that's Pete, Rødingen (his homepage: ) and I. The drummer from Anti-Depressive Delivery has also said yes to join us for recording sessions, so this will be great! The music we have worked with so far is some kind of rock/folk/experimental and we have just started to record a bit now and then, to make a demo.
...and Tactile Gemma is still alive... We have recorded 6 songs and we have 3 more songs that only miss vocals. It might take some time before we get to release it though... It's unfortunately Season of Mist... :(
I look forward to seeing more news about her other musical endeavors. Tactile Gemma for sure, and also curiousity about the others. I think that Monika was most of the creative energy that I liked about Atrox. The music was great, but the vocals and other quirky nuances
was what did it for me. I can imagine them with the male vocalist, and it just loses the appeal for me. Unless Atrox continue to make interesting music without becoming very homogenized with the metal, I'll just go off and look elsewhere. They could do the more techno-avant metal approach, and it wuld probably sound better than most of the other fare currently operating out there, but it would lose the original spark.

I'll keep in touch with Monika's website, although I have a bit trouble trying to figure out the words,phrases,sentences and just about anything relating to non english vocabulary.

I need to travel more I guess.
